He is 72, he married a 27-year-old woman and they break down all prejudices


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He is 72, he married a 27-year-old woman and they break down all prejudices

Around the world, love stories abound. Their general knowledge always leaves us with a cliché, but true is that “love can do anything”. And this seems to be the case between John and Rachel, who the big difference in years is something that goes way beyond your happiness.

He is 72 and she is 27. This is how the story begins Jean Penzera and Rachel Chenault, who met in a job interview at the end of 2017 and still stay together, despite the prejudices received.

From the start she was drawn to John, despite being 26 years older than her mother (she is 46) and almost 20 years older that his father (is 55 years old). Rachael, who has a five-year-old son Levi from a previous relationship, says they are soul mates. “For us, age is just a number. He is my soul mate and the love of my life, ”he confesses.
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He is 72, he married a 27-year-old woman and they break down all prejudices

“We have an incredibly close relationship. It’s very close, we both can even perceive a slight change of mood in the other. And we also have a phenomenal sex life. Age has nothing to do with that, we are spontaneous, ”explains Rachel.

Although the couple have been accepted by friends and family, they receive some weird comments, such as those people who assume that Rachael is with his father and that John is their son’s grandfather. “We didn’t even listen to it, we just ignored it,” Rachael said bluntly. “Anyway, most of the time people tell us how beautiful we are together.”

The truth is they do “deaf ears” opponents and focus on their next goal, getting married. Although the date remains to be confirmed, the commitment is a fact and it will mean another victory in their love affair that continues to be written.


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