An American faced a puma to save the life of your 5 year old son. The 30-kilo animal burst into the yard of his house and jumped on the little boy who was playing very quietly in his garden. Before the scene the mother did not hesitate for a moment and without worrying about the danger she fought in a duel for “perforationWith the feline.
According to a spokesperson for the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Capt. Patrick foy, the wild cougar “dragged a little more than 40 meters“To the little boy who was near the door of his house. In addition, he explained that the baby suffered serious injuries, including to the head and upper part of his torso. Although the injuries were significant, he quickly stabilized in a Los Angeles hospital.
“The real hero of this story is his mother because she absolutely saved her son’s life,” Foy added in statements he made to the newspaper. United States, The Guardian. In this sense, he maintained that as soon as his mother heard the desperate cries of her little one, she ran to his rescue and fought against the animal without worrying about his life. For her, as for any mother, the priority was the life of the child.
“She ran out of the house and started beating the puma with her bare hands and freed her son, ”said the spokesperson for the Ministry of Fisheries and Wildlife. Further, he added that as soon as they were informed of what had happened, a patrol began to circle the area to alert the neighbors and catch the animal.
He was an officer who find her puma hidden in bushes near the house of tragedy. According to the report issued by the local authority, he was in a position of attack ”with his ears backReady to dig his claws into the man who found him. Faced with the danger of the feline, he drew his weapon and shot him.
“Due to his demeanor and the proximity to the attack, the officer considered him to be probably the attacking cougar and to protect the public he safely shot him and killed him instantly. .», Indicates the police report. The animal died instantly and its body was used to extract DNA samples which determined it was the same that attacked the child. A few hours later, another feline was seen in the area. They put him to sleep and then released him to a safe place.
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