Opponent Freddy Guevara said now is the time to change what he sees as a “vicious cycle” with Chavismo


File image of former Venezuelan opposition MP Freddy Guevara (EFE / RAYNER PEÑA R. / File)
File image of former Venezuelan opposition MP Freddy Guevara (EFE / RAYNER PEÑA R. / File)

Former Venezuelan opposition deputy Freddy Guevara, a politician very close to Juan Guaidó, opted on Tuesday to “go through a process of coexistence” between the political forces including the ruling United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV)., founded by the late President Hugo Chávez.

“It is very important to say that we have to go through a process of coexistence (…) No coexistence with dictatorial structures, but coexistence between political forces and that, for part of the country and the political forces of the regime, (the party) Popular Will ceases to be a fascist and terrorist party “Guevara said at a press conference.

The former MP also He was “absolutely convinced that the time has come to embrace” the need to change what he considers to be a “vicious cycle” This leads to the fact that when one of the two parties, the regime or the opposition, feels strong, it thinks that it will “be able to crush or displace” the other.

Freddy Guevara speaks at a rally with opposition leader Juan Guaido (REUTERS / Leonardez Fernandez Viloria)
Freddy Guevara speaks at a rally with opposition leader Juan Guaido (REUTERS / Leonardez Fernandez Viloria)

“It has to stop, we have (we have) years where one of the parties feels strong and we think that we are going to be able to completely crush or displace the other and, when the other party feels strong, they assume and also believe that they can absolutely displace or eliminate the other “, Held.

To do this, he asked to go beyond what many opponents think and it is the PSUV is a “criminal structure or drug dealer” and they can “assume that they are a political party” that he must live “within the framework of democracy”.

“It’s not about ignoring, it’s not about ignoring the story, it’s not about playing crazy and thinking that now we’re all going to be boyfriends, it’s about is about understand that the era where one part of the political forces can think that it can displace and eliminate the other is over“, Underlined the former legislator.

IMAGE FILE.  Gerardo Blyde, head of the Venezuelan opposition delegation;  Dag Nylander, representative of the Government of Norway and Jorge Rodríguez, President of the National Assembly of Venezuela, sign a memorandum of understanding as part of the process of negotiation and dialogue to overcome the economic and social crisis in Venezuela, in Mexico City, August 13, 2021 (REUTERS / Edgard Garrido)
IMAGE FILE. Gerardo Blyde, head of the Venezuelan opposition delegation; Dag Nylander, representative of the Government of Norway and Jorge Rodríguez, President of the National Assembly of Venezuela, sign a memorandum of understanding as part of the process of negotiation and dialogue to overcome the economic and social crisis in Venezuela, in Mexico City, August 13, 2021 (REUTERS / Edgard Garrido)

I think that “The only way to solve the problems” in Venezuela is for all those who have “some degree of responsibility”, which included, understand that they “were responsible for this crisis., without equalizing faults ”.

Among them he included the opponents, who consider that they must “assume that we have a responsibility in this process”, and “also in the solution”.

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He added that part of the solution will be through this all lower “pride” and do everything possible to ensure that the country can “enter into democratic normality (…) in which, perhaps, the change will not be tomorrow ”.

The President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro (PRESIDENCY OF VENEZUELA)
The President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro (PRESIDENCY OF VENEZUELA)

“It won’t be as fast as we would like, but what we are entering a progressive process (…) towards a country where we can all live in peace and democracy “, he stressed.

Guevara, who was a month of detention between July and August accused of being involved in paramilitary groupsHe said he will try to explain his position to his supporters but also to the ruling party.

“As a leader who has been repeatedly pointed out as one of the most radical (…) also from there, talk to the other part, to that other part of the country that saw us as enemies“, a point.

Freddy Guevara (REUTERS / Leonardo Fernandez Viloria / File photo)
Freddy Guevara (REUTERS / Leonardo Fernandez Viloria / File photo)

At the PSUV, “which today has great mistrust” in the opposition, He told them that they want to include them in their future and that they are not “after the search for the disappearance of a political sector”.

Regarding the dialogue initiated with the Maduro regime, he explained that the two parties will have to give in because, in a negotiation “both parties lose and both parties win”.

“To think that in a negotiation we will obtain the resignation of Maduro and a system tomorrow (…) is false. We are going to have to make concessions and sacrifices ”, Tenuous.

As part of this process of change, showed its “conviction” that a solution that includes dialogue must be promoted.

“Force exits are not planned and we have to achieve something that goes way beyond, perhaps, the claim that many of us had for a long time, and that was a process of political or military bankruptcy that would outright replace what was the leadership of the regime», He concluded.

(With information from EFE)

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