Unheard of: Nike offers its employees a “mental health week” and closes today


Nike, one of the largest clothing and sports companies, has decided to shut down its Oregon, United States, for a week so your employees can take a break and take care of their mental health.

Nike, Oregon, United States

After a complicated and exhausting year of work as a result of quarantines, confinement and the difficulties presented by the Covid-19 pandemic and the health emergency, from Monday to Friday, the company grants a week’s leave to its workers.

In an official message to employees, Matt Marrazzo, director Nike, noted: “take time to relax, unwind and spend time with loved ones“. Other companies have already taken the same initiative, as is the case with Linkedin O buzz.

LinkedIn He also gave his workers a week off in April and buzz in June. As for the latter, a senior executive revealed on Twitter that the app’s founder, Whitney Wolfe, Herd had made the decision. “having a good idea of ​​our collective exhaustion“.

Marrazzo insisted on asking his employees “not to work” because the past year had been “very hard” and that they were all “going through a traumatic event” worthy of a break to take care of themselves and focus on mental health.

He said: “In a year (or two) like no other, Taking the time to rest and recover is essential for performing well and staying balanced. It’s not just a week off for the team, it’s recognition that we can prioritize mental health while still getting the job done.“.

The decision of Nike also comes by punishment for the good times the company had in 2020, despite the pandemic. According to the brand’s reports, Nike saw an increase in sales and a 20% increase in share value.

In this way, They want their employees to return to the office more motivated and with more desire to work, As the fatigue resulting from the epidemiological context became more and more evident in the corridors.

It is common knowledge that a large number of employees and workers around the world have reported feeling exhausted and stressed due to the workload and the pandemic. In this line, In many countries around the world, a four-day working week has even started to be tested, which seems to have very good results.

Amid an increase in infections in the United States, many companies have also decided to delay the face-to-face return to the offices to take care of their employees. This is the case, for example, of Apple, Uber and Wells Fargo bank.


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