severe flooding and at least seven deaths


In social networks, images of what happened have gone viral, where, among other things, huge bodies of water are seen entering different metro stations with all their fury.

According to United States National Meteorological Service (NWS), is the first state of emergency due to flash floods to be declared in the history of the megalopolis, struck in October 2012 by Hurricane Sandy.

The rain started to fall at 9:30 p.m. and according to several videos posted by the NWS the streets of Brooklyn and Queens were flooded, making traffic impossible. “Don’t drive in flooded streets. We don’t know how deep it is and it’s very dangerous. Turn around.”urged the meteorological service.

Heavy rains and winds also swept through Westchester County in upstate New York, and many home basements were flooded within minutes. Indeed, photos obtained by AFP show basements and ground floors of houses with at least 50 centimeters of water.

Meanwhile, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy has also declared a state of emergency.

In addition to New York and surrounding areas, a tornado watch was issued in Philadelphia.

“Seek shelter NOW. Flying objects will be dangerous for those caught homeless. Go to a lower floor and stay away from windows.”the New York City Emergency Information Office tweeted for its part.

President Joe Biden will travel to Louisiana on Friday, where Hurricane Ida, which made landfall on Sunday, destroyed numerous buildings and left more than a million homes without power.

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