Spain’s Supreme Court prosecutor’s office found indications that King Juan Carlos I committed at least four crimes for receiving commissions


King Emeritus Juan Carlos, during the act of commemoration of the 40th anniversary of the Constitution chaired by the King in Congress.  EFE / Zipi / File
King Emeritus Juan Carlos, during the act of commemoration of the 40th anniversary of the Constitution chaired by the King in Congress. EFE / Zipi / File

King Juan Carlos I could have collected commissions for years and thus have committed at least four crimes, according to the prosecutor’s office of the Supreme Court which is investigating his accounts. For the first time, the prosecution of the High Court has ruled on the large sums that the King Emeritus would have hidden in tax havens. He also suspects that The fortune of King Juan Carlos comes from “commissions and other advantages of the same nature by virtue of his intermediation in international commercial affairs.“, According to information published by the newspaper El Mundo. As such, he considers that he may have committed four offenses: “Money laundering, against the Public Treasury, corruption and influence peddling”.

The lieutenant of the attorney general, Juan Ignacio Campos, issued a letter of request to the Swiss authorities. The prosecutor explains that there is indications that “the funds under investigation” have an illicit origin.

In all cases, Supreme Court sources have made it clear that the crimes are not charged, but are investigated. In this sense, the state attorney general’s office has tried to deepen this nuance. In a statement, he said that “The Office of the Prosecutor of the Supreme Court, within the framework of the above-mentioned investigative procedures, addressed various requests for international legal assistance to the judicial authorities of different countries., including Switzerland, in order to collect the information and documentation necessary to advance these investigations.

Consider that Depending on the responses to the letters rogatory in question, these indications may be “confirmed or discarded” crime “or even open other avenues of investigation”.

King Juan Carlos in 2008 during a visit to Dubai.  EFE / Ballesteros / Archives
King Juan Carlos in 2008 during a visit to Dubai. EFE / Ballesteros / Archives

Already last February, Campos asked the Swiss Federal Office of Justice for all the information available on the Zagatka Foundation. Specifically, from 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019. This entity is the one that paid, as indicated in the same information, the expenses of Juan Carlos I through deposits in different banking entities. The Zagatka Foundation belongs to lvaro de Orleans, first of King Juan Carlos. This is one of three investigations carried out by the Office of the Supreme Prosecutor against emeritus.

Among other questions, the Public Prosecutor’s Office recalls that in its attempt to discover the origin of the money that was not declared to the Treasury, the investigation tries to clarify the participation that Juan Carlos I could have in various operations related to the funds. suspects. . Thus, it is indicated in the letter rogatory that the Financial Intelligence Unit of Spain (Sepblac) reported that “the Mexican businessman Allen Sanginés Krause sent (…) six transfers in favor of an account held by Mr. Nicolás Murga Mendoza, who was Colonel of the Air Force and assistant to Don Juan Carlos de Borbón ”. Thus, he explains that “part of the sums received were transferred to accounts held by members of the royal family or persons related to them”.

Recall that the husband of Infanta Cristina, Iñaki Urdangarín, spent nearly three years in prison after being sentenced to 10 years in prison for a case of political corruption.

The other two ongoing investigations that affect King Juan Carlos focus on the alleged collection of commissions for the construction of the high-speed train to Mecca and the alleged existence of hidden funds on the island of Jersey. Also, in the use of opaque credit cards of which the emeritus or some of his relatives do not appear as holders, reports Europa Press.

Everybody These events led to the departure from Spain of Juan Carlos I, who has been living in exile in the United Arab Emirates for a little over a year..

In addition, the monarch was forced to perform two tax regulations. The first, at the end of 2020 and linked to the use of opaque bank cards, amounted to just under 680,000 euros. The second, at the start of 2021, consisted of a payment to the Public Treasury of 4.4 million euros. In this case, due to unreported income from expenses assumed by the Zagatka Foundation.


Juan Carlos I, a year of exile with the goal of returning to Spain

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