“Take care of your own business”: Venezuela accused Marta Lucía Ramírez of “interfering” in internal affairs


EFE / Carlos Ortega
EFE / Carlos Ortega

Although Colombian and Venezuelan local authorities have managed to agree to open the border between the two countries, relations at the state level remain strained. This was demonstrated in the afternoon of this Saturday, September 4, after the executive vice-president of the neighboring country, Delcy Rodríguez, will publish two trills criticizing her Colombian counterpart, Marta Lucía Ramírez.

“Venezuela rejects statements by Vice President of War and Violence Marta Lucía Ramírez, who interferes in the internal affairs of our country by violating international legality and displaying a profound ignorance of his office as chancellor! Take care of your business “said the head of the Chavist regime in a first message.

Rodríguez’s statements come after certain statements collected by the Agency became known EFE and in which Ramírez assures that the dialogue between the Venezuelan regime and the opposition has been erratic, claiming that their “only” goal should be “to ensure that there is a free and transparent presidential election”. Likewise, he warned that these elections require guarantees monitored by the international community.

He then warned that he understood these negotiations as “A timid attempt that we don’t want to put a load of dynamite on, but we must be very clear that if the objective of the negotiation is dialogue, it will not really lead to profound change ”.

However, Ramírez’s comments, made at the 49 meeting of the Andean Community Enlarged Council of Foreign Ministers (CAN), would have had the exact opposite effect of what I expected, reviving relations between senior Colombian and Venezuelan officials.

In this sense, the Venezuelan Vice-President continued her charge by criticizing the Colombian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Vice-President for what, from her point of view, This is the implementation of the peace agreement between the national government and the FARC guerrillas.

“How does Marta Lucía Ramírez intend to give lessons to the Dialogue in Venezuela? when did they ruin the peace accords in Colombia? Venezuela respects itself and asserts its sovereignty! », Warned Rodríguez, sharing an article by Justicia Fuser, in which the death of Blanca Rosa Monroy, signatory of these agreements, is reported on September 4 in Pereira.

This death was confirmed by the Institute for Development and Peace Studies (Indepaz), which reported that Monroy was leading his reintegration process in this Colombian city. Also, said he had been a member of the National Protection Unit. She is the 36th signatory to die this year and 285 since the deal was closed in 2016.

The crossroads of criticism came on a day that began a new round of talks between the regime and the Venezuelan opposition in Mexico, whose closest objective is to establish a timetable and guarantees for the participation of the parties opposed to Maduro in the regional elections in November.

After confirming this week that it would compete in the elections of mayors and governors on November 21, the opposition thus breaks with three years of electoral boycott and reaffirms the agreements reached on August 13 in a memorandum of understanding during the first round of negotiations.

In this document seven discussion points were raised, among which stand out political rights, electoral guarantees and an observable election calendar, priority issues on the opposition agenda since Friday.

The document also includes aspects such as a possible lifting of sanctions, political and social coexistence and control mechanisms and verification of agreements.

The end of international economic sanctions, which cut off the government’s funding channels, This is one of the main demands of Chavismo.


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