Pedro Castillo admitted the lack of women in the government of Peru


In the picture, Peruvian President Pedro Castillo.  EFE / Paolo Aguilar / Archives
In the picture, Peruvian President Pedro Castillo. EFE / Paolo Aguilar / Archives

The President of Peru, Pedro Castillo, made a “mea culpa” this Friday for having summoned more men than women to the cabinet of ministers and assured that his government (2021-2026) will empower women assume public functions.

During a meeting with the mayors of Lima, Castillo apologized because “at the start of the government we considered more men in the cabinet, but I will correct myself and as part of the next steps we have to include the ladies”.

The Minister for Women, Anahí Durand, had already declared a few days ago that the lack of parity within the cabinet was “something that will have to be corrected”.

To the Council of Ministers, chaired by Guido Bellido, there are only two female ministries, out of a total of 18 ministries, which has sparked criticism of the executive since taking office on July 29.

The president said that they will “strengthen the voice of women” and that during their government they will empower this genre so that “in the next administrations there will be more mayors, that women assume more public positions ”.

Guido Bellido, President of the Council of Ministers of Peru, with President Pedro Castillo
Guido Bellido, President of the Council of Ministers of Peru, with President Pedro Castillo

Verbal assault on a member of Congress

Castillo’s comments were particularly sensitive after his chief of staff, Guido Bellido, has been accused by the legislator and third vice-president of the Congress, Patricia Chirinos, of having told him during a parliamentary coordination meeting before taking office that “it is enough to be raped”.

The complaint of verbal aggression It was made by the MP in statements to the station RPP, while it had been several days since sectors of the opposition had publicized the event, which Bellido considered him “false” and “willfully defamatory” towards him.

In the same meeting with the mayors, Bellido pointed out that women in politics have worked and have taken on their own family responsibilities.

But you, despite this, they continued and it’s a joy, over there we say that the level of a society is measured by the extent to which women have a participation in politics, ”he declared.

A protester protests against the Prime Minister of Pedro Castillo, Guido Bellido (REUTERS / Sébastien Castaneda)
A protester protests against Pedro Castillo’s prime minister, Guido Bellido (REUTERS / Sébastien Castaneda)

“We are convinced that with You will all move our country forward, even if it is true this pandemic is putting us in troubleWe will not give up, on the contrary we will go ahead and resist to be victorious as we have always done ”, declared the Prime Minister.

Controversial Prime Minister

Bellido, a leftist party activist Peru Libre, which was trusted by Congress last week, is currently the target of much criticism both for its political positions and for its homophobic and sexist statements. in the past.

Since taking office on July 29, Bellido tried to pull away from this image by apologizing and to accuse ignorance of certain issues which are precisely of particular sensitivity to its partners in government and Congress from the moderate left and liberal groups.

Meanwhile, the Peruvian right, which has never been Defender of the rights of the LGTBI community or of gender equality, she also harshly criticized Bellido for his homophobic and macho positions.

(With information from EFE)

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