United States ratified condemnation of Salvadoran Supreme Court ruling to allow immediate presidential re-election


FILE PHOTO: Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele speaks at a press conference in San Salvador, El Salvador, June 6, 2021. REUTERS / José Cabezas / File Photo
FILE PHOTO: Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele speaks at a press conference in San Salvador, El Salvador, June 6, 2021. REUTERS / José Cabezas / File Photo

The United States on Sunday asked the President of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele, to demonstrate his commitment to democratic governance and he ratified his condemnation of the decision of the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court of that country which allows immediate presidential re-election.

State Department spokesman Ned Price said in a statement that the decision “undermines” democracy and said the Salvadoran constitution “clearly prohibits presidential holders from re-electing for a consecutive term.”

Friday night, Constitutional magistrates, appointed on May 1, overturned a 2014 decision and allowed immediate presidential re-election, with which Bukele could aim for a second period in 2024.

United States calls on President Bukele to demonstrate clear commitment to democratic governance, including separation of powers and rule of law“Price added.

“This decline in democratic governance undermines the relationship that the United States strives to maintain with the government of El Salvador,” the note said.

Besides, considered that the decision “further erodes the international image” of this country “as a democratic and reliable partner in the region”.

Ned Price, State Department spokesperson.  Andrew Harnik / Pool via REUTERS / File Photo
Ned Price, State Department spokesperson. Andrew Harnik / Pool via REUTERS / File Photo

Another of those who reacted was José Miguel Vivanco, Director for the Americas of Human Rights Watch. “El Salvador’s Constitutional Chamber – which Bukele captured in May this year – just allowed Bukele to stand for re-election. The same script used by Daniel Ortega and Juan Orlando Hernández“, He expressed on Twitter.

On Saturday, the American charge d’affaires in El Salvador, Jean Manes, andHe expressed Washington’s condemnation of the determination.

On May 1, the Legislative Assembly, with a large pro-government majority, dismissed the constitutional magistrates and appointed five lawyers to fill the positions, who are the ones who made this decision.

Among the appointed magistrates is a former adviser to the executive of Bukele, a lawyer for the current director of police and a former commissioner of the Institute for Access to Public Information, who was elected by the president in a contested proceeding.

On the other hand, the director for the Americas of Amnesty International (TO THE), Erika Guevara-Rosas, he indicated that they are watching El Salvador for “report non-compliant practices“Human rights and warned against dismantling of institutions.

Around the world, we face authoritarian governments dismantling institutions to violate human rights. El Salvador is proven to be no exception», Posted Guevara-Rosas on Twitter.

He added that at Amnesty International “we have eyes in El Salvador to denounce human rights violations by the government of Nayib Bukele”.

(With information from EFE)

Read on:

El Salvador’s Supreme Court of Justice authorized Bukele’s re-election
US and Human Rights Watch warn that judicial independence is under threat in El Salvador
The UN calls on the international community to act before the attack on El Salvador’s justice system by Nayib Bukele

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