He won the lotto but the agent stole his ticket and escaped – News


A woman won € 500,000 in an instant lottery in Naples, Italy, but was unable to take advantage of the prize because the agent stole her winning ticket and fled on her motorbike.

The unusual event happened last Friday in a shop located at number 36 Via Materdei. There he asked for one of the award cards, and when he scratched the silver lining he found the number indicating the amount of money he had won.

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Still unable to believe it, he asked for confirmation from the store owner, who passed the coupon to a reader and confirmed that the woman had won a huge sum of money.

But, instead of returning the winning ticket, the man put a helmet on his head and fled on his motorbike.

The woman could do nothing but report the theft of the coupon to the police, who are looking for the thief. Meanwhile, the agency organizing the lottery blocked the lucky ticket to prevent the man from collecting the prize.


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