Bishop resigned from pope after falling in love with divorced psychologist and erotic novelist


Xavier novell, who was bishop in the diocese of Solsona (Lleida), became widely known in Spain. According to local media, this clergyman defended homosexual conversion therapy, considered abortion or euthanasia as “genocides”, opposed equal marriage and had even expressed his support for the Catalan independence movement. However, a new scandal arises around his figure, since he presented the resignation before dad Francisco after falling in love with a divorced psychologist, which is also author of erotic novels.

Strictly personal reasons“With this argument, the now ex-bishop would have expressed before the Holy See his decision to renounce the promise of celibacy and obedience. The news was known on August 23, when the diocese of Solsona was responsible for informing that now Novell would occupy the position of bishop emeritus.

However, at that time, little was known about the real reasons that led the clergyman to leave his place. Now, despite the silence of the local church, it turned out that the bishop gave up everything out of love. According to local media, Novell would be in a relationship with Silvia Caballol, is a divorced psychologist from Barcelona who describes herself as an “avid reader of romantic and erotic novels”.

Many are the rumors which surround the couple, since the prelate had disappeared in front of the parishioners a few days before the news of his resignation is known. In any case, among these “open secrets”, they emphasize that the clergyman would have moved in with your partner a Manresa, on the outskirts of Barcelona.

In the meantime, under pressure from the press to learn more about the “romance”, the bishopric of Solsona has chosen to publish, this Monday, September 6, a brief press release in which they stress that “the decision taken by the said bishop emeritus obeys “strictly personal reasons” and, therefore, the corroboration or not of this information belongs to his strict personal sphere ”.

Who is Xavier Novell

Invested as the youngest bishop of SpainIn 2010, Novell (52) was considered one of the most promising figures in the Church in this country. However, his position was little related to that promoted by Pope Francis, since the clergyman obtained part of his popularity for defending homosexual conversion therapy, for asserting that abortion or euthanasia were “genocides”, to oppose equal marriage and support the cause of Catalan independence. .

In this context, the first hypothesis of the Spanish press was that its decision to withdraw was due to “ideological differences” with the Holy Father. Now, with love as a cause, it turned out that Novell would become Bishop Emeritus of Solsona, since he allegedly requested that the promise of celibacy and obedience be removed.


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