Surprise in Spain: the young man who denounced a brutal homophobic aggression confessed to having invented everything


In Spain, all alarms had been raised before what appeared to be another homophobic assault
In Spain, all alarms had been raised before what appeared to be another homophobic assault

The young man from Madrid’s Malasaña neighborhood who denounced a homophobic attack last Sunday has changed his version to admit to the police that the assaults were consensual, as confirmed by Interior Ministry sources.

From this portfolio, the work of the national police has been valued, since the young man who denounced Sunday an attack in the district of Malasaña in Madrid “he decided to correct his initial statement and declared that the injuries initially reported were consensual ”.

“This statement is made without prejudice to the development of investigations and legal proceedings,” according to the aforementioned sources.

A version that did not fit

As the Sixth advanced, the young man collapsed in front of the Police in a new interrogation they subjected him to this afternoon, in which He would have recognized that these lacerations caused to the lip and the buttock, on which the word “queer” was tattooed, were granted within the framework of an intimate relationship.

Police already suspected that the details of the alleged victim’s complaint “did not match”. He had stated that Eight young men attacked him in broad daylight at 5 p.m. Sunday wearing hoodies and ski balaclavas in the middle of summer and no one heard a thing.

In the security cameras of Calle Palma, where he lives, and nearby, in addition to those of the Tribunal metro, they had seen no sign of such a large group of people in these winter clothes. He also did not call the emergency services or any Summa health worker or Samur-Civil civil protection, as he was able to verify. Press Europe.

The officers had questioned traders and residents of the neighborhood over the past two days and had heard nothing either. Then, the agents analyzed the complainant’s mobile and social networks, and verified that he had a relationship with another person with unusual elements. The complainant first stated that he did not know the perpetrators of his assault.

The investigation was carried out by the judicial police of the central police station and the provincial information brigade, in particular the hate crimes team. In total, around thirty agents, who have not registered any “troop” gang in Madrid dedicated to “hunting” or beating members of the LGTBI community, underline the same sources.

Now, This young man will, as one might expect, be accused of a false complaint. According to article 456.1 of the Penal Code, the sentence established for the crime in question can range from imprisonment of six months to two years and a fine of twelve to twenty-four months, if a serious crime is charged. A fine of twelve to twenty-four months, if it is a less serious offense or, finally, a fine of three to six months, if it is a minor offense.

With information from Europa Press


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