Alert in the United States for a drug 50 times more powerful than heroin


In recent days, videos recorded in different parts of the United States have started to go viral on social media which reflects the critical state some people are going through while under the effects of a potent drug they are using and which the government worries about. American. This is the fentanilo, a substance that 50 times stronger than heroin and 100 times stronger than morphine.

It is an opioid that has medicinal use to treat severe or chronic pain after prescription surgery, although Its illegal use has spread widely across the country and the consequences can be seen on the streets of some cities like Los Angeles and Philadelphia, among others.. Journalist Alejo Schapire recently shared two videos under the caption “It looks like a zombie movie. Drugs in Philadelphia and Other Cities in the United States ”.

Like other substances such as heroin or morphine, fentanyl enters the body and binds to opioid receptors in the brain and control pain and emotions. When use becomes chronic, the effects wane and sensitivity is impaired, making it difficult to enjoy anything other than the narcotic. Among the effects they highlight, there is the extreme happiness, lethargy, or numbness, nausea, confusion, sedation, difficulty breathing and / or loss of consciousness.

The impact of a deadly substance

The opioid is consumed by thousands of people as a powder or as an injection. The effect is virtually instantaneous and overdose is, unfortunately, one of the most common spells. The other, more tragic, is death.

Fentanyl: the new deadly and addictive drug in Latin America

“We lose a lot of people all the time. There are a lot of people who have moved, go to jail, do re-education but they all end up coming back. At least 100 people have died in recent years, ”Paty Lee, of the Angels of Addiction organization, said in an interview with the BBC.

The testimony of those who unfortunately fall into the consumption of this substance is devastating, as well as the recently released images. “I’m looking for fentanyl, I hunt cars that sell it for it because it’s the only thing that works for me, but it’s a big deal because it’s potentSaid an anonymous consumer. Another of them said: “I went from an ambitious boy to a shadow; the drugs took away my family, my friends, my dignity and my self-respect. No one wants to know anything about me, a lot of my family thinks I’m dead ”.

The video posted to Twitter has been viewed by more than two million people and has elicited more than 30,000 reactions. In the comments, many people said it was a common scene in many places in the United States.
Drug seizure. In some Latin American countries, consumption is present but at lower levels.

Drug figures

From what a newspaper article reflected The country, so far in 2021, the United States has seized 3,800 kilos of fentanyl, a figure equivalent to the total of what was entered last year.

What is fentanyl and what are its effects

This came against a backdrop in which US officials have warned that only 46% of deaths from excessive drug use in Washington are linked to Fentanyl. According to the State Department of Health, In the first three months of the year, there were 418 overdose deaths, 191 of which were from Fentanyl.

One of the most worrying factors of the problem is that the highest number of deaths are among young people under the age of 30. In the background, people who suffer from this addiction they belong to ethnic minorities with serious difficulties in accessing the American health system.


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