United States government to require all workers to be vaccinated against coronavirus


President Joe Biden at an event to celebrate unions in the East Room of the White House.  (AP / Evan Vucci)
President Joe Biden at an event to celebrate unions in the East Room of the White House. (AP / Evan Vucci)

The american president Joe Biden to announce Thursday that all federal workers and contractors will need to get vaccinated, according to a person familiar with the plans, in an attempt to increase vaccination rates and slow spread delta variant, which kills thousands of people every week and undermines the country’s economic recovery.

According to the American media, President signed a new executive order to require vaccination of all employees and contractors who work for the federal government.

Weeks ago the president had given federal workers the ability to undergo regular testing and adhere to strict protocols wear chin straps instead of getting vaccinated, but that will no longer be an option.

The Department of Defense, the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Indian Health Service and the National Institute of Health They have already said they will require vaccinations for their 2.5 million employees.

The move comes ahead of a Thursday afternoon speech that describes a six-axis plane to deal with the latest increase in coronavirus cases and the stagnant pace of COVID-19 injections.

Woman with covid breathes with oxygen in Shawnee, Oklahoma (REUTERS / Nick Oxford)
Woman with covid breathes with oxygen in Shawnee, Oklahoma (REUTERS / Nick Oxford)

It was not immediately clear whether Biden’s order included exceptions for workers or contractors who cite religious or medical reasons for being exempt from the vaccination. The person spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss Biden’s plans ahead of their release.

Biden urged COVID-19 vaccine requirements in environments such as schools, workplaces, and college campuses, and the White House hopes the strengthened federal mandate will prompt more companies to follow suit.

“It will be based on the requirements of our mandates, so that federal government employees or others have to get vaccinated, we have seen that it works.”Said the White House press secretary, Jen psaki, to MSNBC Thusday.

“We can’t state with a magic wand from the federal government that everyone should be vaccinated, school districts can do it, leaders and states can pressure their school districts to do it, it’s important, companies can do that and meet those requirements for your employees, ”he added. “It’s something that some big companies have done, and it’s a model. So those are all the exhibits the chairman will be talking about today. “

An administration official said that the president will also ask all schools to conduct regular testing. The federal government has set aside $ 10 billion in funding for covid-19 projections for teachers, staff and students, but it’s unclear how that money will be spent.

The new strategy against covid-19 Biden occurs at times when the fast-spreading delta variant, threatening to halt the country’s economic recovery and derail efforts to get students back into classrooms.

Students during lunch at an elementary school in Louisville, Ky. (REUTERS / Amira Karaoud / file)
Students during lunch at an elementary school in Louisville, Ky. (REUTERS / Amira Karaoud / file)

Just a few weeks after heading back to school, Tens of thousands of students and staff have had to isolate themselves after school outbreaks, and the administration attributed the disappointing employment figures for August to the rapidly spreading delta variant as consumer confidence wanes.

In all the countries, states see hospitals inundated with covid patients. In Idaho, which has some of the lowest immunization rates in the country, officials said Tuesday they were allowing health care providers to start rationing care so that scarce resources are available to the most needy patients. more likely to survive due to a severe shortage of staff, beds and equipment.

Biden saw some improvement in vaccine schedule, which has started to rise again in recent weeks after leveling off in July. The United States passed the 75% mark of adults vaccinated this week. The biggest gains were among young adults and teens, which White House officials attributed to university and employer vaccination mandates as well as growing fears of the delta variant.

Just last week, the United States began to see a drop in the number of new cases and deaths. But public health officials have warned it could be a short-lived hiatus after the Labor Day weekend rallies and the millions of children returning to school this week.

Read on:

Moderna develops single dose booster vaccine against COVID-19 and influenza
Biden plans to call global summit to contain pandemic and increase vaccine supply

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