After his attacks on the Supreme Court of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro ensured respect for the institutions


Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro (Photo: EFE)
Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro (Photo: EFE)

After a series of days of high tension in Brazil due to clashes between the president Jair Bolsonaro and the president of the Federal Court (TSF), Luiz Fux, the president assured that he never wanted to attack the powers of the State and affirmed that he respects the institutions.

In a statement in which he listed ten points, Bolsonaro stressed that “at a time when the country is divided between institutions, it is my duty, as President of the Republic, to shed light to say : I never intended to attack any of the Powers. Harmony between them is not my will, but a constitutional determination that everyone, without exception, must respect ”.

“I know that a good part of these differences come from conflicts of interpretation on the decisions adopted by the Minister Alexandre de Moraes in the investigation into the fake news”, underlined the president, who also declared: “But in public life, those who exercise power do not have the right to ‘tighten the rope’ to the point of harming the lives of Brazilians and their economy” .

In this sense, he said that “my words, sometimes energetic, were the result of the ardor of the moment and of confrontations which always had for objective the common good”.

Despite his qualities as a lawyer and teacher, there are natural disagreements in certain decisions of Minister Alexandre de Moraes. Consequently, these questions must be resolved by the judicial measures adopted in order to guarantee respect for the fundamental rights and guarantees provided for in article 5 of the Federal Constitution ”, explained the President.

In the meantime, he stressed his “respect for the institutions of the Republic, the living forces that help govern the country. Democracy is this: Executive, Legislative and Judicial working together in favor of the people and while respecting the Constitution ”.

“I have always been prepared to maintain a permanent dialogue with the other powers in order to maintain harmony and independence between them. Finally, I would like to report and thank the extraordinary support of the Brazilian people, with whom I align my principles and my values, and guide the destiny of our Brazil, ”he concluded.

The letter arrived after two massive events this week in which he continued to tighten a rope with the Supreme Court of Brazil in its quest to change the electoral system just over a year before the 2022 elections in which he will likely compete with the former president Lula Da Silva.

Following their attacks, the president of the TSF, Fux, snoted that disobedience to court decisions constitutes a “crime”. In turn, Arthur Lira, in charge of the Lower House, asked the president to stop his attack on democratic institutions.

And this Thursday, the highest authority of the Higher Electoral Tribunal (TSE) of Brazil, Luis Roberto Barroso, responded this Thursday to the latest diatribes launched by Bolsonaro, assuring that they put the country in front of “the mockery and contempt of the world”.

We are victims of global contempt and contempt. A greater discredit than inflation, unemployment, falling incomes, the rise of the dollar, the fall of the stock market, the deforestation of the Amazon, the death toll of the pandemic, than the brain drain and investors”, Expressed Barroso.

Democracy is going through a delicate moment“Barroso warned in response to each of the attacks Bolsonaro dedicated to the Supreme Court authorities and the electronic voting system on Tuesday, during the massive march in Brazil in their support, that he was seen as undemocratic and conspiratorial by the opposition and broad sectors of civil society.

“It is starting to be tiring here in Brazil having to repeatedly deny lies, so that we are not dominated by the post-truth, by alternative facts, so that repeating the lie does not give the impression that it has become true. The point where we are at is very sad, ”he lamented.

In his opening speech at the last TSE session, Barroso criticized Bolsonaro’s “lack of courtesy” and “lack of composure”, which “embarrassed” them in front of the international community. “Brazil ‘brand’ is currently undergoing global devaluation”, he said.

“The lack of composure puts us down in front of ourselves. We cannot allow the destruction of institutions to cover the the economic, social and moral failure in which we live“, asserted.

Barroso gave examples from other countries, such as Hungary, Poland, Turkey, Venezuela, oh The Savior, to illustrate “erosion of democracy“That Brazil would suffer, where”subversion“It is not produced by a coup d’etat, but”by the hands of elected presidents”.

Bolsonaro led two protests on Tuesday, in Brasilia and San Pablo, in which he assured his loyal supporters that he would no longer comply with any Supreme Court ruling, called “scoundrel” and “oppressor“Its president, Alexandre de Moraes, threatened to close Congress and attacked the electronic voting system.

(With EP information)

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Tension in Brazil: Supreme Court presidents and MPs target Jair Bolsonaro after mass acts

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