September 11, 2001: numbers, data and how the worst terrorist attack in history unfolded minute by minute


United Airlines Flight 175 is heading for the South Tower of the World Trade Center.  The north tower had been hit a few minutes earlier (REUTERS / Sean Adair / file)
United Airlines Flight 175 is heading for the South Tower of the World Trade Center. The north tower had been hit a few minutes earlier (REUTERS / Sean Adair / file)

The September 11, 2001around 8 a.m. 19 al-Qaeda jihadists hijacked four passenger planes to attacks that changed the course of history.

The terrorists, mostly from Saudi Arabia, have targeted the economic, military and political symbols of the most powerful country in the world.

Two planes have crashed into the World Trade Center in New York and a third into the Pentagonnear Washington DC.

a the fourth plane was perhaps pointed at the Capitol, seat of the Congress, or the White House, but after the heroic intervention of its passengers it crashed in a rural area of ​​Shanksville, in Pennsylvania.

That day, in less than two hours, the twin towers have been reduced to a mountain of dust and incandescent steel, part of the Pentagon was also badly damaged.

Was the America’s darkest day.


2,977 people died and 25 thousand were injured. Thousands of people continued to suffer the consequences even years after the attacks.

Here’s what happened minute by minute:

7:59: The American Airlines Flight 11, a Boeing 767 with 92 people on board, takes off from Logan International Airport in Boston for Los Angeles. Among the passengers are five terrorists: the Egyptian Mohammed atta, the leader of the attack, and Saudis Abdulaziz al-Omari, Waleed al-Shehri, Wail al-Shehri and Satam al-Suqami.

Mohammed Atta (right), before boarding the plane which crashed into one of the towers (AP-FBI)
Mohammed Atta (right), before boarding the plane which crashed into one of the towers (AP-FBI)

08:14: The United Airlines Flight 175, a Boeing 767 with 65 people on board, takes off from Logan International Airport in Boston for Los Angeles. There are five hijackers on board: two Emiratis, Marwan al-Shehhi and Fayez Banihammad, and three Saudis, Hamza al-Ghamdi, Ahmed al-Ghamdi and Mohand al-Shehri.

8:21 am: The American Airlines Flight 77, a Boeing 757 with 64 people on board, takes off from Washington DC Dulles International Airport for Los Angeles. On board are five Saudi jihadists: Hani Hanjour, Khalid al-Mihdhar, Majed Moqed and Salem and Nawaf al-Hazmi.

8:41 am: The United Airlines Flight 93, a Boeing 757 with 44 people on board, takes off from Newark International Airport in New Jersey for San Francisco. On board are four hijackers: Ziad Jarrah, Ahmed al-Nami, Ahmed al-Haznawi and Saeed al-Ghamdi.

8:46 a.m .: Impact against the north tower

American Airlines Flight 11 crashes at 790 km / h into the North Tower of the World Trade Center, opening a huge gap between the 93rd and 99th floors of the building, which are left on fire. A thick column of smoke rises from the upper floors of the skyscraper.

9:03 am: Impact against the south tower

United Airlines flight 175 crashes at 870 km / h between floors 77 and 85 and generates a gigantic explosion. The impact is happening live on television.

Fire and smoke rise from one of the towers (REUTERS / Jeff Christensen / file)
Fire and smoke rise from one of the towers (REUTERS / Jeff Christensen / file)

9:05 am: Report to Bush

George W. Bush, elected president eight months earlier, begins reading a story to schoolchildren Emma E. Booker in Sarasota, Florida, when his chief of staff whispers in his ear: “A second plane hit the other tower. The United States is under attack. “

9:25 a.m .: Closure of airspace

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) prohibits all planes from taking off in the national territory.

9:30 am: The president takes the floor

Bush announces to the Florida school that he must return to Washington immediately because of “an apparent terrorist attack”.

9:37 a.m .: Pentagon attack

American Airlines Flight 77 crashes into the west facade of the Pentagon.

The west facade of the Pentagon, after being struck by a plane in Arlington, Va. (Alex Wong / Getty Images)
The west facade of the Pentagon, after being hit by a plane in Arlington, Va. (Alex Wong / Getty Images)

9:42 a.m .: All planes

The FAA is ordering all commercial flights over the United States to land as soon as possible.

9:59 am: collapse of the south tower

The south tower of the WTC collapsed in 10 seconds, amid a deluge of fire, steel and dust. The collapse is such that the DNA traces of hundreds of victims have never been found.

10:03 am: United Flight 93 crashes in Pennsylvania

United Airlines Flight 93 traveling from Newark to San Francisco crashes on the ground in Shanksville, Pa. With 44 people on board, including four jihadists. Some passengers, informed by cell phone of what was happening in New York, fought against the terrorists who hijacked the plane and prevented it from crashing into Congress, the Pentagon or the White House in Washington DC .

10:28 a.m .: collapse of the north tower

The north tower of the WTC collapsed 102 minutes after being attacked. A huge cloud of dust covers all of southern Manhattan.

The collapse of the North Tower, 102 minutes after being struck by the Boeing 767 on American Airlines Flight 11 (REUTERS / Ray Stubblebine / file)
The collapse of the North Tower, 102 minutes after being struck by the Boeing 767 on American Airlines Flight 11 (REUTERS / Ray Stubblebine / file)

1:04 p.m .: The president is evacuated

George W. Bush, evacuated to the air base of Barksdale, in Louisiana, puts the armed forces on “maximum alert” and promises to “track down and punish the cowards responsible” for the attacks. The president is then flown to Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska (center), before returning to the White House at 7:00 p.m.

8:30 p.m .: Presidential speech

George W. Bush addresses Americans from the Oval Office of the White House and denounces “vile and evil terrorist acts”. He promises to find those responsible and makes sure that The United States “will not distinguish between the terrorists who committed these acts and those who harbor them.”

(Infographic: Marcelo Regalado)


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