Narco fell asleep with his cell phone in his hand and inadvertently called the police: he ended up in police custody | the Chronicle


A case Drug traffic German has gone viral and has reached the international press because of the unusual trail taken by the security forces to capture the criminals. Last Friday evening, the police in the German city of Waldbröl received a curious call to the emergency number which ended with the discovery of the criminal operation.

It was 1 a.m. when the police began to receive calls with unusual content. As reported by the German portal Blid, on the other side of the line the operators were only listening snoring and moaning of a sleeping person. Police initially dismissed the calls as a mistake or a joke, but as they continued they began to suspect it could be an emergency.

With no response from the unconscious person, the police followed the procedure and traced the call. Authorities identified the number as belonging to a 23 year old, located in the same town of Waldbröl. With your localized identity and address, a patrol went to his home to check that everything was in order. What they found they would never have guessed.

When they arrived, another young man of about 21 opened the door, surprised and annoyed to find the police there. Subject attempted to block the passage of the men in uniform, who decided to enter when they identified the smell of marijuana coming from home. The young man did not understand what was happening, specifying that no one had called the emergency room.

Drug seized in the house sweep. (Courtesy of Blid)

Inside the house, those involved finally discovered the origin of the mysterious call: the older of the two young men had fallen asleep on the sofa with his phone, and had dialed the emergency number by mistake while unconscious. What happened was confirmed when the call history on the trafficker’s phone was checked.

Police raided the home on suspicion of possession of marijuana. Indeed, large quantities of the house were confiscated amounts of cannabis, many ecstasy pills and various other drugs such as amphetamines and cocaine, fine flakes and cash. The two young people who were in the house were detained and wait for judgment.

A man who bought an old bus to turn it into a motorhome found a hidden cargo of eight kilograms of cocaine on one of the unit’s panels. The drug is estimated to be around 10 million pesos.

The purchase was made in the city of Rio Negro of Allen. It was a two-story, disused unit acquired from a scrap yard. When the buyer started to take it apart to start recycling, he discovered eight bundles tied with a blue ribbon and hidden in a hole.

It is not known how the drug was introduced, and it is also not known whether the vendor of the unit was aware of it. The time that has elapsed would already prescribe any legal claim: “If we are talking about this drug hidden for more than two decades, there is no crime to investigate“revealed a senior judicial source.


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