The European Union has again placed Uruguay on the list of countries without specific travel restrictions due to the coronavirus


The Council of European Union included this Thursday Uruguay on your list of safe states from an epidemiological point of view, after reaching more than 70% of its population vaccinated against the coronavirus with two doses. In this way, Uruguayans who want to travel to the old continent They do not have to justify an essential reason and can do so for tourist purposes.

On the contrary, Japan, Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Brunei Darussalam and Serbia have been removed from the list and they had income restrictions again.

For Uruguay, this is a big step forward in the talks What is the president doing? Luis Lacalle Pou with the EU, but also a approval of the country in the region that has made the most progress in the vaccination campaign and that it has succeeded in containing the spread of the coronavirus despite having gone through critical moments.

The criteria for determining in which countries the EU lifts travel restrictions take into account the epidemiological situation and the reply general coronavirus, as well as reliability and availablity of information.

At the end of August, the government of Luis Lacalle Pou published the decree with the reopening of borders for foreigners who own property in Uruguay and their relatives up to the second degree (including siblings), having significantly improved their epidemiological situation.

The Council’s decision is not binding on its Member States, what they will be able to lift the restrictions again if deemed necessary, although the agency’s recommendation is to take these measures in a coordinated manner within the EU, according to the AP Agency.

However, the Council leaves open the possibility for Member States to lift the temporary restriction on non-essential travel to the EU for fully vaccinated travelers, even if they come from countries considered unsafe.

According to this data, the last time this agency updated the list was on August 30, when brought out the United States, Israel, Lebanon, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Kosovo, countries hard hit by the Delta variant.

Which countries are on the list of safe states

The safe country selection list is made up of only 14 third countries. In addition to Uruguay are included Australia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canada, Jordan, New Zealand, Qatar, Moldova, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Korea, Ukraine and China. The decision for the Asian giant is subject to confirmation of reciprocity.

In addition to these countries, the Council recommends that travel restrictions be gradually lifted for these countries as well. administrative regions specials China, Hong Kong and Macau.

In the category of entities and local authorities which are not recognized as states by at least one Member State, travel restrictions for Taiwan They should also be lifted gradually, adds the Council.

Residents of Andorra, Monaco, San Marino and the Vatican are considered part of the EU for the purposes of this recommendation, including too the associated countries of the European Schengen Area without borders (Switzerland, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein), and are therefore not subject to restrictions.

What are the benefits of being on the Safe Country List

Residents of countries on the list of epidemiologically safe third countries may move around the European Union without the need to prove an essential reason.

Although entry is permitted, it is the power to each member state of the EU impose or not a quarantine upon arrival in the territory or require additional measures, such as a negative PCR or other requirements.


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