9/11: US Secret Service released previously unreleased footage of Twin Towers attack | Tomorrow is 20 years old


Hours up to 20 years have passed since the worst terrorist attack ever United States in its history, and probably one of the bloodiest recorded in the West, the Secret Service posted shocking images on his official Twitter account that reveal the horror of the collapse of the Twin Towers, including never-before-seen photos taken seconds after the impact of the two Al Qaeda planes.

In addition, the federal agency has announced that it will publish tomorrow unpublished interviews current and former Secret Service employees to reflect on 9/11 and “honor the lives lost”, including Craig L. Miller, the only duty officer killed in the bombing.

That day, 19 men hijacked four commercial planes: two of them crashed into the Twin Towers in New York, another in the Pentagon, outside Washington; and another in a field in Pennsylvania.

The September 11 attacks on the Islamist network resulted in the deaths of nearly 3000 people and they generated a deep existential crisis in the United States, which embarked on a “war on terror” that would eventually accelerate its decline as a global superpower. This year’s anniversary will be different, commemorating shortly after the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan.

New York strengthens after Taliban triumph

In this context, the New York Police Department (NYPD) said on Wednesday that although there are no concrete threats against the Big Apple, security in the city will be tightened in view of the twentieth anniversary of the attacks.

“We operate with the idea that there are threats and we obviously have to hunt them down. consistently before the event, during the event and after the event, not just (on site), but across town, ”Miller said at a press conference with New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio.

The deputy commissioner stressed that threats from terrorist groups are more notable than in other years due to the fall of Afghanistan to the Taliban after the departure of US military forces from the country.

Special forces locate “more than a dozen” propaganda publications Highlights, mostly from Al Qaeda, like the publication of Manhattan Lobos magazine, named in honor of the perpetrators of the 9/11 attack.

National Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas also warned that the birthday and religious holidays that will be held to commemorate their victims could “serve as a catalyst for acts of selective violence” by local terrorists, individuals and groups. violent, as well as those inspired by foreign terrorists and other “evil foreign influences”.

How is the investigation going, 20 years after the attacks

On September 7 of this year, the United States resumed Legal proceedings Against the so-called brain of September 11 Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, and four other defendants who are imprisoned in Guantanamo. Hearings had been suspended for a year due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Besides Mohammed, his alleged accomplices Walid bin Atash, Ramzi Bin AlShibh, Ali Abdul Aziz Ali and Mustafa Al Hawsawi are also on trial.

Besides the conspiracy charge, they are charged with murders in violation of the law of war, attacks on civilians and terrorism. If they are found guilty, they can face the death penalty.

However, US President Joe Biden has repeatedly stated that he hopes to close the Guantanamo prison, where several detainees have been tortured.

Currently, Only 39 of some 800 inmates remain in Guantánamo prison which came to the house after it opened in 2002 ordered by then-President George W. Bush in response to the attacks.


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