“The meeting was a success”: AMLO thanked the United States for promoting the development of Central America to stop migration


Photo: EFE / José Méndez / Archives
Photo: EFE / José Méndez / Archives

This Friday, the president Andrés Manuel López Obrador, noted that although he did not know the details of the results of the high-level meeting between Mexico and the United States held Thursday in Washington, you know “It was a success”.

During his morning lecture in the Treasury room of the National Palace, López Obrador said that once back the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE), Marcelo Ebrard; Secretary of the Economy (SE) Tatiana Clouthier and other Mexican officials who attended the meeting will invite them to the morning to report in detail on the results.

I still don’t have a detailed report of the results of the meeting. As soon as they informed me that things had gone very well, that the meeting had been a success, but I have no more elements … we will inform Marcelo, Tatiana, the representatives of the Treasury once back, ”he said.

The agent thanked U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris for the post, who assured that his country promote development and employment in Central America as a control strategy migration.

Photo: Ministry of Foreign Affairs via Reuters
Photo: Ministry of Foreign Affairs via Reuters

We recognize and appreciate it, it’s the best way to take care of the causes, people do not leave their villages, or abandon their families for the sake of it, they do so out of necessity and if there is well-being in their home communities, people prefer to be with their families and do not migrate.. then we have to take care of that, which has not been done», He clarified.

In other words, it is never, always coercive, to stop, but there was no alliance for development., for the progress of justice, which we must seek, first with Central America and then with all of our America, a kind of European Union, but it’s a union of all America. We need to unite and that doesn’t just mean economic growth, it means well-being, ”he said.

Information under development …

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