The secret letters which intrigue Justice: who did the “king of ephedrine” want to kill with bombs?


2016: Mario Segovia, the "King of Ephedrine", in court hearing against him (Telam)
2016: Mario Segovia, the “King of Ephedrine”, in court against him (Télam)

In July of this year, Mario Roberto Segovia, the so-called “king of ephedrine”, sentenced to 16 years in prison in Ezeiza prison, was raided in his cell for one of the darkest parts of his criminal career: arms and explosives trafficking, set up a maritime network with his son Matías Agustín among his accomplices, to import machine gun parts from various parts of the planet and explosive parts for the assembly of letters and bomb packages.

Everything, ordered from prison, by e-mail or by post.

The opening of a warrant linked to Segovia made in 2016 by the Department of the Federal Unit of Special Investigations (DUFIE) triggered strong alerts and triggered action against him, investigated by Federal Prosecutor Sergio Mola and PROCUNAR, the wing of the Attorney General’s office that investigates drug trafficking crimes with Attorney Diego Iglesias.

Inside: the raid on the Segovia cell.
Inside: the raid on the Segovia cell.

It was discovered that he would have made a purchase of “A bomb casing, containing wire, cables, screws, a detonator and a battery”, a “bomb book, containing two batteries, a detonator, a key, two clips, cables and aluminum foil” and a “Bomb file, containing battery, cables, aluminum foil, detonator, nails and gel.”

The email address linked to this shipment had a domain, from the Argentine government. Thus, two officials of Formosa were affected: their identity had been usurped. A Hotmail box with the fake name of one of them was also used. This box, we also discovered, He was operated on from a tablet that a search found in Ezeiza prison in 2017, hidden behind a hot water tank. A direct member of the family from Segovia also accessed the boxes of public employees

The explosives were purchased in Canada, traded with a man named Bruce who operates a website which exceptionally offers explosives products with an online and catalog service: payment was made by money order by another man in Sinaloa, Mexico. .

So, they searched his house in Santa Fe and his cell. The federal police found youmachine gun, large caliber ammunition, automatic rifle user manuals, alleged CIA manuals for handling explosives and a dark literary cult classic, “How to kill”, with instructions for the hitman, an old book from the underground American conspirator, flat literals for a bomb, computers, more ammunition.

Letter intercepted by justice: one of his sons as an intermediary with Bruce.
Letter intercepted by justice: one of his sons as an intermediary with Bruce.

This week, Segovia was prosecuted and seized for 80 million for trafficking in explosives and weapons, a decision rendered by the Federal Court n ° 2 of Lomas de Zamora, with the magistrate Juan Pablo Augé. Confiscations of property in Rosario, savings banks, cars like a BMW were ordered: Hernán Segovia was also seized for $ 80 million, just like his father. Matías Agustín Segovia has also been processed and frozen for a lesser, but no less large amount, 40 million pesos.

For Justice, his supposed plan is clear. “It is obvious that they were importing rifle parts in comfortable quotas and preparing letter bombs. Everything from prison “, assures a high level researcher.

According to the prosecution, Segovia is accused of being at the head of “a Illicit association, stable in nature, with structural support, division of roles, with the ability to articulate actions in order to support the development of illicit activity over time, from at least September 2016 to July 13 of this year “dedicated to”, specifying Conduct related to drug trafficking and trafficking in arms and explosives Obtaining, stockpiling, manufacturing, arming and trading in weapons of war prohibited use, in particular AR15 rifles and regulated accessories, such as sound suppressors ”.

No more letters: more business with Bruce.
No more letters: more business with Bruce.

The letters of the case, intercepted by Justice and which illustrate this note, addressed among others to his son, demonstrate the extent of the plot. In them, Segovia Warns Against Use Of Potentially Spied On Devices to contact those who would supply him with the parts for weapons and explosives. Talk about contacting acSpecialized security companies in New Zealand or Hong KongHe even urges them to register and create brands nationally under names like “Global Security”.

The texts speak for themselves: Segovia Sr. looks like a commander, a capricious producer attentive to detail, concerned that the delivery addresses are correctly spelled.

The task of the bombs was not the only one: On June 23 of this year, another was detected from abroad, sent from Yiwu sub-prefecture in China, to Rosario. It contained various parts of an AR15 machine gun. Gonzalo Ortega, Segovia’s brother-in-law, was photographed by the PFA as he was kidnapping him.

However, all of this heavy metal had to end. Until now, he is unknown.

"Bechos!": Segovia's warning to his son.
“Bechos!”: Segovia’s warning to his son.

Justice, for now, could not determine to whom Segovia was going to send the letter bombs or explosives, if he has a deadly enemy as much or heavier than him, someone he wants to overthrow by death, a competitor or a secret player who would be of unusual magnitude for the underworld, a heavy among the heavyweights, a literal Keyser Soze, the mythical figure of the film Los Sospechosos by Siempre, but by Rosario.

In his investigation, however, Segovia gave an explanation. He assured that he was seeking to venture, convicted of drug trafficking and prison, in the business of the security services. He was talking about a man, a special contact. “The job he offered me was to provide security and training services to the armed and security forces, since he had contracts for me. What i had to do is set up a security company to give me contracts to provide services to governments, government institutions; I did not know this element, ”he said in his statement.

Given the evidence, the explanation does not close at all.


Machine guns and packages containing bombs purchased via Mexico: the dark return of the “King of Ephedrine”, imprisoned in Ezeiza prison

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