What Osama bin Laden told his mother in the last call before the 9/11 attacks


Another media outlet that reported on the appeal was the New York Times. In fact, she did so shortly after the attacks, when NBC claimed the phone call took place earlier, on September 9.

“In two days you will hear good news and you will not hear from me for a while,” Bin Laden reportedly told Ghanem.


Alia Ghanem, mother of Bin Laden & Nbsp;

Alia Ghanem, Bin Laden’s mother.

The Guardian

To call Alia, according to CNN, the terrorist used a satellite phone, the signals of which were intercepted and sometimes recorded, so much so that American officials in the years leading up to the attacks were able to monitor some of the telephone communications between the two. .

The woman gave birth to Osama bin Laden in Riyadh on March 10, 1957. He was the 17th of 52 children Mohammed bin Laden had with 11 different women.

El padre de Bin Laden se convirtió en el magnate inmobiliario más rico de Arabia Saudita y un amigo cercano de la familia real: cuando Osama tenía tres años, sin embargo, su madre se divorció de Mohammed y bin Laden fue criado por su segundo marido en Saudi Arabia. He grew up mainly in Jeddah and joined the Muslim Brotherhood when he was very young.

In 2018, Ghanem first gave an interview to The Guardian newspaper, in which he spoke about his son, and said that Osama bin Liden was “a good boy” when he was young, but then suffered “brainwashing”. while I was studying at university.

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