Twenty years of the Twin Towers bombing: conspiracy theories, America’s second enemy


A 20 years of the Twin Towers attack in New York, Since Tuesday, September 9, 2001, many conspiracy theories continue to circulate on one of the bloodiest episodes in human history.

That Tuesday, a surprise attack shook the foundations of the Big Apple. It was carried out with the help of four planes from United and American Airlines. Three of them would strike the World Trace Center, claiming 2,983 victims.

However, for some minds, what happened does not necessarily coincide with the official version, proposed by the George Bush administration. Over the years, the possible alternatives to what really happened and to the people involved have been clear-sighted.

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Did the armed forces try to repel the terrorist attack or did they want it to happen?

Anniversary of the September 11 attack
Images of a United States Armed Forces radar monitoring flights within the territory.

Shortly after the collapse of the North and South Towers of the World Trace Center, one of the earliest theories that circulated both in the vast internet world and in local media briefing on the possibility that the attack was not repelled by the armed forces.

It is more, there was even speculation with the unintentional intention to stop the plane as they made their way to their targets. As to why this happened, they think the United States needed a justification to attack the Afghans.

After Flights 11, 175, 77 and 93 were hijacked by members of the Al Qaeda group, led by the late Osama bin Laden, and diverted to New York and Washington, the official order would have been not to intervene.

This order was said to have come from the then Vice President of the United States, Dick Cheney. For its part, the official version of events speaks of a complex case of hacking that prevented them from accessing the real-time location of aircraft.

This theory could become one of the two with the greatest sustenance, because it is only Bush made the decision with Chaney to eliminate all commercial flights in a risk area, there was no order in force.

Was it an impending attack or a controlled explosion?

Anniversary of the September 11 attack
The north and south towers of the World Trace Center, co-opted by flames and smoke.

The second of the theories that have aroused the most suspicion among American youth and adults It was the way the World Trade Center collapse. Some say it wasn’t a common explosion.

Therefore, they argue that the two buildings did not necessarily collapse due to the impact of planes on their structures or even the spread of flames to their upper floors. They dare to say that inside the two buildings there were bombs laid.

They not only point out that the building imploded instead of exploding. In addition, they insist that the time during which the two structures collapsed was almost record-breaking, leaving in evidence that the foundations of the two works had previously been weakened.

Collaborating with this alternative, physicist Steven E. Jones would have found traces of nanothermites, a reactive compound used by the military to cause controlled explosions with high energy release rates.

Faced with the stories that were circulating, the National Institute of Standards and Technology decided rebuild how the two towers gave way and, act I decide, indicated to have no indication which implies that none of this happened.

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Was Flight 93 shot down by the US military or its passengers?

Anniversary of the September 11 attack
Scientists work in a field in Shanksville, Pa., Where the plane crashed.

As mentioned earlier, four were the planes that were hijacked by members of Al Qaeda. One of them, United Airlines Flight 93 was scheduled to head to San Francisco, California. Like the other planes, it deviated from its route.

Its route after being occupied by four terrorists was redirected to the Capitol in Washington. As he was preparing to crash into the US Congress, Bush was informed of the collision of two planes against the Twin Towers.

After receiving the information, he quickly left Booker Elementary School in Houston, Texas, which he had attended to visit second-graders. Be on the presidential plane spoke to Chaney and demanded that all air traffic stop.

Who did not meet the standard promoted by the president, they had to be finished immediately. According to this third theory, Flight 93 was one of those killed by US Air Force F-45 planes.

After the theory was disclosed, the US government explained its version of what happened: the passengers on the plane took control of the cabin and, in a struggle to land safely, crashed in a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

Celebrities escaped the terrorist attack or were they warned?

Anniversary of the September 11 attack
Michael Jackson, Mark Wahlberg and Seth MacFarlane, numbers that could have been affected by the attack.

Advancing on a fourth theory, constructed from five references from music, film and television, it is speculated with the possibility that thThese stars were warned of a possible attack and not that they were saved “miraculously”.

Between them, These include Michael Jackson, Mark Wahlberg, Seth MacFarlane, Sarah Ferguson and Robe Lowestos. Each provided their own answers to justify why they were not at the WTC that day and not all are convincing.

Jackson spent the night with his sister Jannette and did not wake up on time attend a meeting at the WTC. Wahlberg, meanwhile, boarded one of the hijacked flights but at the last minute chartered a plane with friends to go to Canada.

While, Mac Farlane he would be lucky enough to miss one of the tragic journeys. Late arrival at the airport, after 7.45 a.m. When he arrived, boarding was closed and he had to wait for another flight to depart.

Ferguson, the Duchess of York, was unable to make it to the 101st floor on time due to an interview with the BBC. Ultimately, Lowe He traveled from Washington DC to Los Angeles with some of the terrorists but was not on any of the other flights.

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Selling airline shares and insurance against attacks?

Anniversary of the September 11 attack
The Wall Street bull was inundated with dust during the WTC crash.

In the days leading up to the attacks, a surprisingly “extraordinary” number of put options were placed on the shares of two airlines, American and United Airlines. The ships of both airlines turned out to be those captured by Al Qaeda operatives.

The proponents of this fifth theory believe that shareholders warned in advance of the attacks and took advantage of the tragedy. United’s shares fell 42%, while American’s fell 39%.

Most of the sales operations were coordinated by Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Co., a business that occupied at least 22 floors in the WTC. The profits from these movements amounted to hundreds of millions.

But if you talk about money and the WTC you can’t miss a name: that of Larry Silverstein. This is the tycoon who rented the twin towers about two months before the fateful incident, which left an approximate death toll of three thousand.

Once the contract is concluded, also purchased a $ 3,500 million insurance policy, which She would only be charged in the event of a terrorist attack, which occurred on the morning of Tuesday, September 11, 2001.

Why did Building 7 collapse if there was no direct collision?

Anniversary of the September 11 attack
World Trade Center Building 7, shortly after the September 11 attack.

Building 7 of the World Trace Center was 204 meters high and 47 floors and No planes crashed there, and its fires were not fueled. However, like the north and south towers, it collapses at high speed.

The fire started to spread through the building after 9:00 a.m. local time. Documentaries and photographs show that they were harmless blisters. Despite its dispersion, the fire alarm alerted as it should.

Eight hours later, the building collapses and a pile of rubble remains, which is suspect since its bases are made of steel. Bush administration says fire melted it, but firefighters say they call them they can’t destroy it.

Another land that surrounds building number 7 splash on the CIA, the Department of Defense and the Emergency Management Office, which occupied part of the facilities. Most of those who worked there they did not show up that day.

And not only that, those who defend this sixth and final theory argue that planes could be guided from this tower, where there were too many compromised files and that was one of the reasons why they wanted Building 7 to disappear.


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