Tragedy in Bolivia: a woman and her two children die struck by lightning


A woman and her two children died when struck by lightning in the Bolivian city of Great as they were on their way to a loved one’s birthday, reported on Friday the Special Crime Fighting Force (Felcc).

This is a 27-year-old woman who was holding her one-year-old and three-month-old daughter and holding the hand of her other 6-year-old son in the Alto Chijini district of the city of Great, explained the deputy director of Felcc, Juan José Donaire, to the media.

The incident happened Thursday night when a rain started in that city and the woman with her two children was walking towards a relative’s house with a cake to celebrate her cousin’s birthday.

A few blocks from her home, lightning struck the woman which caused the “brutal” death of the three people from the electric shock, Donaire said.

The neighbors came out when they heard the noise and found the three dead bodies.

The bodies are veiled at the woman’s home and the Felcc is providing funeral assistance for the three, as well as psychological support for the family and the husband, Donaire said.

The woman’s family and neighbors left white flowers and marked with stones the spot where this event occurred.

Donaire ruled out opening an investigation into the incident because the deaths were due to bad weather.

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