What are the stakes of the recall referendum in California


California Governor Gavin Newsom at one of the campaign rallies in San Leandro, California.  REUTERS / Fred Greaves
California Governor Gavin Newsom at one of the campaign rallies in San Leandro, California. REUTERS / Fred Greaves

(Chicago, special for Infobae) – When a few billionaires supporters of former President Donald Trump decided to put in a lot of money to try to impeach Democratic Governor of California, Gavin Newsom, there was a stampede of candidates to replace it. 135 showed up. 46 remained on the ballot with the one Californians support today. They are of an exceptional variety, ranging from a businessman who hired a bear to impress at events to Caitlyn Jenner, the former Olympic champion, family member of the famous Kardashian sisters, who chose three years ago to be a woman, and influence her Angelyne, who distributes flyers in the streets of Los Angeles aboard his splendid pink Corvette. There are others more serious and, certainly more boring, although the trends mark that Newsom has a good chance of keeping his job.

The two questions posed to Californians on the ballot are simple: Should Governor Gavin Newsom be removed from office? And if so, who should take their place? 22 million people are empowered to respond. Most have already done so and have mailed the ballots or dropped them off in one of the special mailboxes located throughout the neighborhoods. And if you prefer to do it in a more traditional way, you can also put the ballot in a ballot box in person. Local television talks about it many Californians still don’t understand why they should remove the governor, and for this reason do not vote. Paradoxically, this is what would hurt Newsom the most. The Covid thing is hardly mentioned as an electoral factor.

The choice is important. California is the world’s fifth largest economy. It reached this position in 2017 after growing its GDP by 3.4% ($ 127,000 million). It was just behind the United States ($ 19.4 trillion), China ($ 12 trillion), Japan (4.87 billion) and Germany ($ 3.68 billion) as a whole. California outperformed France’s GDP in fiscal 2015. By 2012, the Golden State’s economy had outperformed those of Russia and Brazil. It contributes 14% of the US GDP and has a per capita income of $ 76,500. A power that requires stability and that although it is already ruled by Hollywood actors, in 2021 it would seem to be in urgent need of the hand of experienced politicians.

Former Olympic champion and transgender activist Caitlyn Jenner announcing her candidacy for Governor of California in Venice Beach, Los Angeles.  REUTERS / Aude Guerrucci
Former Olympic champion and transgender activist Caitlyn Jenner announcing her candidacy for Governor of California in Venice Beach, Los Angeles. REUTERS / Aude Guerrucci

There was no specific event to delete Newsom. Initially, the Republicans who initiated the recall process did so because the governor had become one of the fiercest opponents of the Trump administration’s policies. Then they added other causes like the death penalty. But everything was then widely seen as an initiative with no possibility of prospering. Then, two factors particularly motivated the campaign: a judge allowed more time recall leaders to collect signatures due to containment due to the pandemic; and growing frustration among some Californians sanitary restrictions. It all came to a head when Newsom was seen having dinner with a group of entrepreneurs at an expensive and exclusive Napa Valley restaurant without any protection by the Covid. Newsom had been one of the main supporters of wearing masks and staying at home.

From that moment it became an offer for the management of the pandemic. Trumpets pushes to lift restrictions and they added members when school closures were extended. Also the complaint of an alleged fraud committed with unemployment aid due to the pandemic. And from there, many other social sectors jumped on the bandwagon, such as those who protest against homelessness or the high cost of living which expels Californians to other states.

Newsom’s Democratic allies denounce that all of this hides the true intention of an attempt to take undemocratic control by the Trumpist far right otherwise, you would never see a Republican elected to the highest office in the state of California. And they also point out that the reason Newsom gets rid of his back is because has the power to appoint the replacement for legendary Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein. That way, another liberal Democrat would arrive on Capitol Hill who could block any attempt to boycott the measures of President Joe Biden’s administration.

Ultra-Conservative host and Republican candidate Larry Elder at a rally in Monterey Park in early September.  REUTERS / Mike Blake
Ultra-conservative broadcaster and Republican candidate Larry Elder at a rally in Monterey Park in early September. REUTERS / Mike Blake

The campaign for impeachment is funded primarily by conservative billionaires. Geoff Palmer, a Southern California real estate developer and early Trump supporter, for example, donated over a million dollars. John Kruger, an advocate for charter schools in Orange County who opposed restrictions on religious ceremonies during the pandemic, donated $ 500,000. Also national figures like Mike Huckabee, the former governor of Arkansas. AND received a major contribution from Silicon Valley hedge fund manager Chamath Palihapitiya, who had previously only contributed to political and democratic causes.

Opposition to the impeachment and support of Newsom consists largely of the Hollywood Liberal Democrat Millionaires. Netflix founder Reed Hastings donated $ 3 million, as well as actors like George Clooney and Gwyneth Paltrow. Also unions of teachers, prison guards, health workers and other civil servants. And business organizations like the California Association of Realtors and chambers of commerce. Editorial pages in major California newspapers also oppose Newson’s impeachment: Los Angeles Times, San Diego Union-Tribune, Mercury News, San Francisco Chronicle and Sacramento Bee. The main argument they put forward is that there is no corruption or moral problems that justify this decision which costs the state over $ 276 million while there is barely a year left before new elections.

Vice President Kamala Harris speaking at a rally on behalf of Governor Newsom in San Leandro, California.  REUTERS / Fred Greaves
Vice President Kamala Harris speaking at a rally on behalf of Governor Newsom in San Leandro, California. REUTERS / Fred Greaves

The most powerful adversaries that Newsom faces are Former San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer, considered a moderate Republican, and Kevin Kiley, Member of the Republican State Assembly and frequent antagonist of the governor. The former congressman Doug Ose, stopped campaigning and declared his support for Kiley after suffering a heart attack. And it’s Conservative radio host Larry Elder which imposed itself almost overnight, taking advantage of the national recognition of its name which garners the support of the far right.

California is hit hard by the Forest fires and there are indications that is about to experience a new wave of coronavirus in the Delta variant. This choice comes at the worst possible time. The question is whether the Democratic base, the vast majority in the state for decades, makes the effort to participate and defend his governor or if the Trumpist Republicans have a chance to rule a state they couldn’t get by popular vote.


Hours before California recall referendum everything points to Gavin Newsom retaining gubernatorial post

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