Vladimir Putin is isolated by cases of covid-19 in his environment | He is vaccinated with the two doses of Sputnik V


russian president Vladimir Poutine he had to isolate himself in the last hours because he was close contact of a case of covid-19 in your environment. This was announced by the Kremlin through a statement which assured that the president You are in perfect health “ and he remembered that he is vaccinated with the complete Sputnik V diet.

“Following identified cases of coronavirus in your environment, Vladimir Putin must adhere to a regime of self-isolation for a while“, says the text. Then the official spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, who reported that Putin had a diagnostic test for the virus, but did not disclose its result.

Russian authorities have always taken exceptional measures to protect the 68-year-old president from possible contagion. For example, Before meeting him, foreign leaders, journalists and senior officials should isolate themselves during the time indicated by the preventive health regulations.

On Monday, Putin met with Syrian President Bashar al Asad and Russian athletes returning from the Tokyo Paralympic Games.

The health situation in Russia

Despite the wide availability of vaccines, health authorities in this country are unable to control infections and Russia is among the countries most affected by the coronavirus pandemic, in fifth position in number of infected.

Until now they were recorded 7.1 million cases and over 194,000 deaths, the highest figure in Europe. The number of cases has declined after skyrocketing in August, but in the past few hours, 17,837 new cases and 781 new deaths have still been reported.

Authorities fail to convince a population skeptical about vaccines and independent polls show that a majority of Russians do not want the injection.

Russia has several vaccines for its population, but does not distribute any vaccine manufactured in Western countries. Moscow is the epicenter of the pandemic in the country, and other regions have made the vaccine mandatory.


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