“I took it out of my mouth”


Perceived Something out of the ordinary while chewing his food. At first he thought it was a animal bones, But I was wrong. In Bolivia, a woman found a human finger in the hamburger he had just bought at a gourmet establishment. The news generated a commotion on a national level.

The young Estefhany Benítez He assured via his social networks that on September 12, he ordered a combo at Hot Burger, a fast food restaurant located in Santa Cruz de la Sierra.

At one point in the night, as he was enjoying his burger, he found the top of an index. “I took three bites, ate the fourth and I felt something in my mouth. I thought it was a bone I took it out of my mouth “, Benítez told the information portal Channel A.

Alert launcher.  Benitez spoke to local media.  Photo: capture / Cadena A.

Alert launcher. Benitez spoke to local media. Photo: capture / Cadena A.

At this point, the customer grabbed his finger and approached the cashier for him. Claim, with a cell phone in hand. “I started recording and one of the employees there said ‘Miss, please don’t record’. I told him ‘I will record because no one gives me a solution and she replied: ‘why does he come to eat in public places, then? “, he said.

She revealed on her Facebook account that Hot Burger officials continued to work long after the episode. “They tried to close the branch and they turned everything off and they came back to attend as if nothing would have happened. To top it off they told us they would refund our money, it’s like nothing has happened. Please share, “he wrote on the web.

Benítez confirmed to Channel A that her sister reported the incident to authorities, who confirmed that the finger in question It was man-made and then they closed the place.

Episode.  The customer took pictures of the burger and the index finger found.

Episode. The customer took pictures of the burger and the index finger found.

“I can not sleep”

“My sister went to the FELCC (Special Crime Fighting Force) and they started investigating and then put their finger in a plastic bottle. I was traumatized, I can’t sleep, I can not be well. What if the finger had bacteria, disease? “, he said.

The director of the FELCC Claude edson declared, quoted by the native newspaper The reason, that his agency found that an employee at the Hot Burger branch had an accident with his hand while preparing meat for the burgers.

“According to the administrators (Editor’s note: of the fast food chain), they would have thrown this meat where the employee I would have lost my index, but then these extremes they don’t become obvious“Claure said, according to the newspaper Erbol. On the other hand, he said that in the next few days they will be interviewing the owner, administrator and all employees.

Publication.  The press release issued by the fast food chain.

Publication. The press release issued by the fast food chain.

For its part, Hot Burger published a statement on its social networks. “Faced with a fortuitous incident with one of our employees, the company immediately activated all emergency protocols, giving priority at all times to the health of the worker, who is already in the recovery phase,” they said. declared.

Likewise, an internal investigation protocol was immediately activated to establish like a strange element our product has reached one of the branches of our chain, ”they wrote.

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