Retirement at 50: who can access it and how to apply for a pension


Early retirement is now available at age 50 |  Photo: Andean Agency
Early retirement is now available at age 50 | Photo: Andean Agency

Retirement at age 50 is possible in Peru. Since September 1, law 31332 has entered into force, which sets 50 years minimum age, for men and women affiliated to the administrators of the Pension Fund (AFP), to access the Special early retirement scheme (REJA), which has requirements that every beneficiary must meet and we’ll tell you about them here.

The modification in the New allow early retirement, but it is necessary to meet the following conditions:

1 What When applying for a benefit, the minimum age of 50 is compliments.

2. Retirement begins when the member over 50 so decides, provided that you obtain a pension equal to or greater than 40% of the average remuneration received and income declared during the last 120 months, duly updated minus tips.

3. For the calculation of the aforementioned pension, voluntary contributions for pension or non-pension purposes which exceed 20% of the individual account for the capitalization of compulsory contributions with a stay of less than nine months in the CIC are not taken into account. .

It should be noted that early retirement gives the right to reimbursement of the recognition bonus two years after your placement with a foster family O when the member turns 65, it doesn’t matter which comes first; even when the funds in the affiliate’s individual capitalization account have been exhausted beforehand and after information by AFP of the affiliates authorized to access this system.


It should be considered that in this type of early retirement you can access a pension, in the event of a withdrawal of 95.5% of the total pension fund or to withdraw part of the fund and have access to a pension with the remaining balance.

In the event of a request for 95.5% of the pension fund, the remaining 4.5% will remain for the coverage of health benefits insured by Social Security for Health (EsSalud).


Step 1

You must confirm your situation with the AFP to which you are affiliated, to find out if you are applying for early retirement, in order to be able to communicate via the following telephone lines:

– For AFP Habitat: Call 230-2200 (Lima) or 0801-14224 (provinces).

– For Prima AFP: Call 615-7272 – option 1 (Lima) or 0801-18010 (provinces).

– For AFP Integra: Call 513-5050 (Lima) or 0800-40110 (provinces).

– For Profuturo: Call 215-2828 (Lima) or 0800-11434 (provinces).

2nd step

Then, you apply for early retirement virtually on the website of your respective AFP.


The president of the Congress, Maria del Carmen Alva Prieto, promulgated at the beginning of August the autograph of the law which reduces the minimum age to 50 years to access the Special Early Retirement System (REJA) in the Private Retirement System (SPP).

The initiative was approved by the previous Parliament during the plenary session of July 2 and was not observed by the executive power within the time limit of the law.

“After the legal deadline for the Executive Power to pronounce and there is no observation, it is up to the Legislative Power to promulgate it”, declared Alva Prieto.

This autograph, called the REJA law, “sets the age of 50 to be able to take early retirement, and it is a law which will benefit many compatriots in this difficult situation”, declared the head of Parliament.


Before mentioning the procedure, you should keep in mind that in order to access it you must be unemployed for 12 consecutive months or more. To confirm if you are applying for this scheme, you must contact the AFP in which you must contribute to validate your status.

Members can receive a pension as long as the amount of their pension is equal to or greater than 40% of the average remuneration received and income declared during the last 120 months.

To make your request, you can do it online or by phone with AFP Hábitat, Prima, Integra and Profuturo.

Throughout the Peru These three options are enabled to access your funds:

– Retirement pension.

– Withdrawal of 95.5% of the total fund.

– Withdrawal of part of the fund and pension with remaining balance.

(With information from the Andean Agency)


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