The number of hospitalizations and deaths of children due to covid on the rise: why their vaccination is not authorized


The Pan American Health Organization (SPO) still does not allow vaccines to children under 12 awaiting to know the results of the tests in progress and warns today “that the minors they increasingly represent a higher percentage of hospitalizations and deaths ”.

The deputy director of the UN agency, Jarbas Barbosa, explained that he is analyzing the evolution of the coronavirus in the region, where only vaccine Pfizer is authorized for emergency use in teenagers.

Barbosa explained that the American company Moderna is awaiting authorization to use the vaccine to minors from 12 to 15 years old, although you can already use it from the age of 16, and added that Chinese companies Sinopharm y Sinovac, who already have permission to vaccinate of 18 years, they also asked for it for vaccinate of kids of 3 to 17 years old.

The reason why they have not yet received the authorization is that it is necessary to “carefully review the information presented by the producers on the clinical trials they have carried out with adolescents and children to guarantee that they are vaccines that can be used within this group ”.

Meanwhile, PAHO has found that as more adults receive the vaccines versus coronavirus, The kids they represent a higher percentage of hospitalizations and even deaths due to the disease.

“Therefore, we must be clear: kids and the youth they also face a significant risk of disease COVID-19[feminine», a déclaré la directrice de l’OPS Carisse Etienne.

Malgré ces précautions, Barbosa a indiqué qu’il disposait d’informations selon lesquelles le Chili et Cuba administrent vaccins une des gamins et que chaque pays est souverain pour prendre cette décision.

“Nous ne pouvons pas commenter ces décisions car nous ne connaissons pas les données qui ont été présentées”, a-t-il déclaré, expliquant qu’avant l’approbation du vaccins les autorités de réglementation sanitaire de ces pays devaient recevoir des informations des producteurs, les examiner et les autoriser.


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