When the pandemic will end according to the WHO


“Two years is a period that we set for ourselves and it will surely be a reasonable period of time. If we start to vaccinate at the rate we have gone so far, we could see the exit from this formidable situation even sooner, ”said the Spanish doctor.

Neira believes that “the end is starting to be more and more present, but when we come out of the pandemic we must take the opportunity to get better and not forget these lessons”.

“We must also take advantage of this normality to improve living conditions. We should review our consumption, production and lifestyle a little bit so that our health is much more protected, ”said the WHO public health official.

Asked about the need to inoculate a third dose of the vaccine, Neira said: “We have called for a moratorium on species, to wait at least until next year, until we have more. information and evidence and up to 40% of the world’s population can have a first dose. For us, the third dose can be postponed for now ”.

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