Biden again targeted ultra-rich, tax-dodging corporations


“Are we going to continue with an economy in which an overwhelming share of profits goes tos large corporations and the ultra-rich? “, that’s how it started Joe biden his speech at the Capitol. On Thursday, the President of the United States spoke to reinforce the critical orientations of Build Back Better, his economic plan which has not yet been approved by his country’s congress.

“Republicans prefer tax breaks to the wealthy, not the middle class,” Biden said.

And immediately after, Biden again asked, “Or let’s take advantage of this momentor – immediately – put the United States on a new path: that where the country is investing; generate genuine and sustained economic growth; and it benefits everyone, including working people and the middle class? (…) The data is more than eloquent. Over the past 40 years, the rich have gotten richer and many companies have lost their sense of responsibility to their workers, their communities and the United States ”.

Billionaires escape $ 160 billion

In the tradition of this speech he gave for the hundred days of his government, Joe Biden devoted the first part to give easy-to-understand data for them to be understood because he mentions the ultra-rich and the big companies. . And as a question, Biden details: “How is it possible that 55 of the Biggest American Companies Pay Zero Dollars on federal income taxes? They made over $ 40 billion in 2020 and paid nothing. Zero Federal Tax Dollars On $ 40 Billion In Income – How Can America’s Richest Billionaires Evade Income Tax? How is it possible that they pay a lower tax rate than teachers, firefighters or law enforcement? (…) Today, at the moment, the richest 1% of the country escapes the approximately 160 billion dollars in taxes that it owes each year. And these are not new taxes, but they are taxes they owe. “

“Tax the rich,” Democrat Alexandro Ocasio-Cortez claimed the 2021 Met gala.

I am a capitalist but….

That the pandemic had increased the wealth of the extremely rich was already not only published by the specialized media. Just in case, Biden again cited the numbers: “In a pandemic, billionaires have increased their wealth by $ 1.8 trillion. (…) In other words, to what they already had, the richest added $ 1.8 trillion. And that’s just not fair. I don’t intend to punish anyone. I am a capitalist. It’s great that someone makes a million or a billion dollars. God bless him. All I’m asking is that you pay your fair share (in taxes) like the middle class does. But that is not what is happening. (…) It’s the plain truth, ”added Biden. “For a long time, the The US economy has done very well for those at the topwhile ordinary Americans, the working people, those who built this country, have been basically left out. “

BIden said that because of Trump, the domestic debt of the United States would reach $ 8 trillion.

Trump, his economic legacy, and opponents’ boycott of Biden

Talking about the presidential administration that came before him was also part of Joe Biden’s speech pattern. The economic plan he seeks to approve in Congress will define his management in the White House. “When I took the oath of office as president, the United States fought for come out of the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. Job growth was anemic. (…) Now is the time to show the American people that their government is working for them, not just for big business and those at the top of the pyramid. (…) My Republican friends attack my plan by saying that it is a “big expense”. I remind you that they were the same as just four years ago approved Trump’s $ 2 trillion tax cut. That is, a huge giveaway for the biggest companies and the richest 1%. And listen to this: Almost none of those $ 2 trillion tax cuts have been paid. It has just increased the federal deficit. And because of Trump’s unpaid bills, the the national debt will increase over eight trillion dollars “

In May 2021, Joe Biden created his version “Juan Domingo” Biden

That the banks account for the money of the rich

“I would only ask the banks for two pieces of data on billionaires. The numbers of money coming in and out of bank accounts, so that the rich can no longer hide what they earn and thus pay those who owe. This is not about increasing your taxes. These are the super-rich who are finally starting to pay what they owe, which is required by the current tax code, just like working Americans do. (…) As I said a few minutes ago, 55 of the most profitable companies in the United States have paid no tax on 40 billion dollars in profits. Not a penny. And this is not good. And my economic plan will change that. I am not going to punish anyone, they will just have to pay their fair share. “

Biden said 55 large U.S. corporations paid no income tax.

Covid, economy and anti-vaccines with power

“Covid, supply chain issues and the wrong people looking to profit from the pandemic are adding to the challenges we face. That’s why master the Covid it was my top priority from my first day as president. Everything, everything, from our public health to our economy, depends on it ”, declared the American president. (…) We are faced with a great rejection (of vaccination), in particular from certain Republican governors. Those in Florida and Texas are doing all they can to undermine the policies I have proposed to save lives. And that some of these governors have strict and compulsory vaccination plans so that children can access school. For example, in Mississippi they should get vaccinated against measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox, hepatitis B, polio, tetanus, etc. And I call the governor to add the Covid vaccine and accuse me of being a ‘tyrant’. Tyrant?”.

Control of fuel and food prices

“We are also pursuing speculators of the pandemic in our economy. There is a lot of evidence that fuel prices are expected to drop, but it’s not like that. We will analyze it in detail. (…) We also analyze the areas of our economy where a few corporate giants increasingly control the market in their field of activity. Just look at the agriculture and the food industry. A very small number of large companies now dominate the market, have very little competition and are raising prices. “

Tax cuts for the middle class

“We are the only developed country whose economy is now larger than it was before the pandemic. While this is good news, I know many Americans are still struggling to survive every day, ”Biden continued. “For many, it is more and more difficult to pay the bills: food, fuel, rent, medical care. (…) Only companies and individuals who earn more than $ 400,000 per year will pay additional taxes. There will be no tax increase for those who earn less than that. And there will be tax cuts and exemptions for the middle class – some 50 million families. My plan benefits ordinary Americans, not those at the top who do not need help. (…) However, my friends Republicans prefer to protect the richest tax breaks provide tax breaks to working families. It’s so easy. “

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