Jair Bolsonaro missed a date with Joe Biden


Brazil has been excluded from a virtual meeting, called a week ago, by American Joe Biden. The meeting brought together the Presidents of Argentina, Indonesia, South Korea, Mexico, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, Australian Prime Minister, Antonio Guterres UN Secretary General and Presidents of the European Union and the European Council. . ANDa mini summit addressed the drama of climate change and it was proposed to guarantee the success of the United Nations Conference in Glasgow, Scotland, on November 1.

Jair Bolsonaro’s striking absence was due, according to his own justification, on receiving the communication from Washington just seven days ago. This would not have given him the possibility of “suspending” the commitments previously foreseen.

By abdicating his participation in this conference, the Brazilian president revealed the coldness of his relationship with the current head of the White House. The fact worries those around him, especially the Itamaraty diplomacy. He fears that internal political isolation is adding to an international wedge. PI would hate to accentuate the image of a “leader” indifferent to climate change and without any commitment to end the fires, deforestation and destruction of the Amazon, the Achilles heel of Brazil. There is a frightening fact about this lack of official action to preserve the rainforest. In August 2021, a forest fire record was recorded when 8,588 heat sources were detected in the Amazon state.

He fears internal political isolation is adding to an international wedge

This lack of interest on the part of the sovereign on issues that affect the world, such as climate change and related disasters, it also has an impact on domestic politics. Bolsonaro’s radicalization on this issue, where he also exercises a kind of “denial”, has influenced the division of agribusiness businessmen. On the one hand, the groups supporting the president who take over public land in the jungle to demolish the grove and breed cows; on the other, there are those who worry about the “bad perception” of Brazil and the impact on foreign trade.

In the first group, that of the Bolsonarists, are the agricultural producers who seek to obtain land at zero cost; on the other, there are agro-industrial and commercial enterprises. The latter believe that difficult times are coming because they will have to face obstacles to their exports, due to the Amazon destruction. The domain’s participation in the Gross Domestic Product of Brazil has made a gigantic leap from 1970 to the present day. Fifty years ago, the sector contributed only 7.5% of the GDP. Today, agriculture occupies no less than 26.6%. But how much can collapse when the world condemns the ruin of the “Lung of the World”?

Climate Change Summit 20210917

With Brazil’s voice silenced, the call revolved around methane gas. “We need to commit to reducing emissions of this gas by 30% by 2030. This will have a positive effect on public health and agriculture,” Biden said. He also admitted that it will be necessary “to help developing countries that want to improve the environment.” We must take measures to improve employment, by abandoning the oil and gas wells ”.

Jair Bolsonaro’s popularity on the decline

The presidential discredit, due to his inaction on key issues for the field and the industry, grows day by day

The presidential discredit, due to his inaction on key issues for the field and the industry, is growing day by day. Of course, this is not the only aspect which deteriorates the support of the establishment for the head of the Planalto Palace. According to a latest survey by consulting firm Datafolha, Bolsonaro loses support even in religious groups with a strong national presence, such as evangelicalss. It was between them that there was a sharp drop in followers: Last January, 40% of this social segment were consistent “Bolsonarists”.

Today, only 29% say they have complete confidence in it, considering “optimal” the performance of the federal government. At the same time, there is an increase in the president’s rejection, which has gone from 51% in July to 53% this week. These data largely cap the president’s aspirations to achieve his re-election in October of next year. The Datafolha survey identified who disowned him the most. According to the pollster, they belong to this segment of the middle-class population, which earns between 5 and 10 minimum wage (that is to say between 1,000 and 2,000 dollars).

* Author from Brazil 7 days. From São Paulo, Brazil.

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