Coronavirus in Mexico as of September 19: 4,983 infections and 200 deaths recorded on last day


A nurse prepares a dose of the covid-19 vaccine today in Mexico City (Photo: EFE / Carlos Ramírez)
A nurse prepares a dose of the covid-19 vaccine today in Mexico City (Photo: EFE / Carlos Ramírez)

The Ministry of Health (SSa), through the daily technical statement, reported that this Sunday, September 19, 200 deaths and 4,983 new cases of COVID-19 in the country.

With such numbers 3,569,677 infections and 271,503 deaths caused by SARS-CoV-2 were accumulated nationwide. In addition to the above, 504,777 suspected cases, 6,284,740 negative, 68,539 estimated assets and 10,302,152 people studied since the start of the health contingency.

Based on the demographics of the outbreak, confirmed cases show equal predominance in men and women with 50 percent. During this time, the overall median age is 40.

The agency also noted that Mexico City and Mexico State are the entities with the highest number of estimated active cases (with start date of the last 14 days by the positivity index, by entity and epidemiological week). Nationally, 63,874 such infections are calculated.

504,777 suspected cases of SARS-CoV-2 have been reported (Photo: SSa)
504,777 suspected cases of SARS-CoV-2 have been reported (Photo: SSa)

As of March 2020, the Mexican state has recorded the total number of infections by place of residence, with which the Mexico reported 931,135; the State of Mexico 353,717; New Lion 192,059; Guanajuato 166,331; Jalisco 148,185; Tabasco 128,415; Puebla 115,456; Veracruz 114,095; Sonora 105.906 and San Luis Potosí filed 96,746. The greatest number of accumulated infections is concentrated in these 10 entities, with 66% of the total.

According to this information, the federal agency claimed that over the past week infections rose 2.4% across the Mexican Republic, although it also highlighted a 2% drop from to positive cases in August.

The hospital occupancy of general beds and those with a mechanical ventilator did not register any changes compared to the previous week and remained at 40 and 34% respectively.

Likewise, it has been reported that over the past five weeks there has been an increase in infections in people aged 18 to 29, ranking as the group most prone to contracting the virus, followed by the 30-39 and 40-49 age group.

Infections in age groups have declined (Photo: SSa)
Infections in age groups have declined (Photo: SSa)

On its own, the sex and age distribution of deaths caused by COVID-19, a prevalence of 62% has been observed in men. The average age of death from the coronavirus is 64.

In this area, the Mexico is in the lead with 49,857 deaths, then there are the State of Mexico (31 355), Jalisco (15,503), Puebla (14,111), Veracruz (12 841), New Lion (12,080), Guanajuato (11,770), Baja california (9,154), Sinaloa (8,370) and Chihuahua (7,865). All the entities mentioned represent 64.4% of deaths in the country.

The health agency has confirmed 13,348 suspicious deaths (Photo: SSa)
The health agency has confirmed 13,348 suspicious deaths (Photo: SSa)

On the other hand, according to the last update of the COVID-19 epidemiological fire, from September 20 to October 3, for the second consecutive update, no entity is in redwhile four are orange, 24 are yellow and four are green.

Red light: no state.

Orange traffic light: Tamaulipas, Tabasco, Colima and Morelos.

Yellow traffic light: Baja California, Sonora, Durango, Coahuila, Nuevo León, Zacatecas, San Luis Potosí, Nayarit, Jalisco, Aguascalientes, Guanajuato, Querétaro, Puebla, Veracruz, Michoacán, State of Mexico, Mexico, Tlaxcala, Guerrero, Oaxacaaneche, Camp and Quintana Roo.

Green light: Southern Baja California, Chiapas, Chihuahua and Sinaloa.

Finally, the SSa has also published confirmed coronavirus infections worldwide, until September 19, 226,844,344 cases have been added. In addition, the global death rate was 2.1%, since the pandemic caused the death of 4,666,344 people.

Covid traffic light from September 20 to October 3 (Screen capture: Ssa)
Covid traffic light from September 20 to October 3 (Screen capture: Ssa)

Under Secretary for Prevention and Health Promotion Hugo López-Gatell Ramírez said that until September 18 in Mexico, they added 95,271,399 doses against COVID-19 provided since December 23, 2020, which represents 69% of the adult population.

From the previous figure, 41,463 2019 peoplei.e. 67% have the complete immunization schedule; while 20,423,192 (the remaining 33%) received a dose.

Likewise, it has been reported that so far, 19 of the 32 states report a 71-93% increase in immunization coverage.


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