Eight dead in armed attack on Russian university – News


At least eight people died, while six were injured to varying degrees after a former student from Perm State University in Russia entered the campus and fired guns.

According to information from the university to European media, the first data indicated that the attacker had entered one of the buildings of the place and, after having committed the attack, had been arrested by the police.

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Meanwhile, when the young man entered the scene, several students took refuge in the university classrooms, while others jumped out of the window, according to images taken from the scene, one of the oldest universities in the region.

Another video, recorded from a window, shows a man dressed in black opening fire and walking towards the entrance to the building.

In addition, the Russian commission of inquiry indicated that the aggressor had been “wounded during his arrest because he was making resistance”.

The university press service said that at the time of the shooting there were around 3,000 students in various buildings located on the scene.

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The last shooting in the country dates back to May 11, 2021, when a 19-year-old man opened fire on his old school in Kazan (southwest) and left nine dead.


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