United States sanctioned Supreme Court justices appointed by Bukele in El Salvador and the Attorney General of Guatemala


Five judges from El Salvador's highest court and two senior Guatemalan officials were on a list of people who undermine democracy (REUTERS / Jonathan Ernst)
Five judges from the highest court in El Salvador and two senior Guatemalan officials have been included in a list of people who undermine democracy (REUTERS / Jonathan Ernst)

The United States has sanctioned five judges appointed by Naiyb Bukele to the Supreme Court of El Salvador and the Attorney General of Guatemala, Consuelo Porras, and accused them of undermine democracy in Central American countries and not doing enough to fight corruption. Thus, he seeks to send a clear message that he does not tolerate corruption or those who encourage it. Members of this list cannot obtain a visa to travel to or enter the United States if they have already had one.

“The United States is committed to support the peoples of northern Central America by strengthening democracy, the rule of law and accountability, which are the keys to a better future. To advance this priority, Today we add seven authors to the list of undemocratic and corrupt actors in the United States, under section 353 of the United States-Northern Triangle Enhanced Compromise Act, which generally renders offenders ineligible for visas and entry into the United States. These designations respond to recent actions that have undermined democracy and hampered investigations into corruption in El Salvador and Guatemala.“, Informed the Secretary of State in a press release.

In this sense, the American Chancellery has detailed the “attacks on democracy and anti-corruption measures” for which it has decided to take these measures.

In the case of The Savior, “Elsy Dueñas De Aviles, Oscar Alberto López Jerez, Hector Nahun Martinez Garcia, Jose Angel Perez Chacon and Luis Javier Suárez Magaña, the current magistrates of the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court, undermines democratic processes or institutions by accepting direct appointments in the House by the Legislative Assembly, in a process which appears to have contravened the Salvadoran constitution ”.

The current magistrates of the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court have undermined democratic processes or institutions by accepting direct appointments (EFE / Rodrigo Sura / Archivo)
The current magistrates of the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court have undermined democratic processes or institutions by accepting direct appointments (EFE / Rodrigo Sura / Archivo)

The five previous magistrates were brutally removed from their posts without legitimate reason after the entry into office of the Legislative Assembly newly elected on May 1. After being installed, the new magistrates declared that their installation by the Legislative Assembly had been constitutional. The magistrates undermined democratic processes or institutions by adopting a controversial interpretation of the Constitution allowing the re-election of the President, in spite of the express prohibition in the Constitution of the consecutive mandates of the Presidency ”, underlined the press release.

Few months ago the new Legislative Assembly, allied with President Nayib Bukele, dismissed the magistrates of the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ). These decisions were urgently adopted just hours after the installation of the new legislature controlled by the ruling party.

The dismissed judges, with 64 votes in favor, 19 against and one absent, were: José Armando Pineda, Aldo Cader Camilot, Carlos Avilés Velásquez, Carlos Sánchez Escobar and Marina Marenco de Torrento. In their place, Elsy Dueñas Lovo, José Ángel Pérez Chacón, Luis Javier Suárez Magaña, Héctor Nahum Martínez García and Óscar Alberto López Jerez were elected, who was appointed president of the Constitutional Chamber and of the CSJ.

After learning of the decision of the first ordinary plenary session of the Assembly, a group of agents of the National Civil Police (PNC) entered and took over the facilities of the judicial body. The elected magistrates entered the premises escorted by police officers. The Constitutional Chamber declared the dismissal null and void and unconstitutional for violation of “judicial independence” established in the Salvadoran political constitution.

The Attorney General of Guatemala, Consuelo Porras (EFE / Edwin Bercián / Dossier)
The Attorney General of Guatemala, Consuelo Porras (EFE / Edwin Bercián / Dossier)

At Guatemala, the Secretary of State indicated that “María Consuelo Porras Argueta De Porres, current Attorney General of Guatemala, has hampered investigations into acts of corruption by interfering in criminal investigations ”.

“The obstruction model of Porras including by ordering prosecutors of the Public Ministry (MP) of Guatemala to ignore politically motivated cases and actively undermine the investigations carried out by the Special Prosecutor against impunity, including fire its chief prosecutor, Juan Francisco Sandoval, and transfer and fire prosecutors investigating corruption. Angel Arnoldo Pineda Avila, current secretary general of the MP, obstructed investigations into acts of corruption by interfering in anti-corruption investigations. The MP has opened an investigation into allegations that Pineda interfered in an anti-corruption investigation. It is alleged that Pineda informed the objectives of the investigation into the cases that were pending against them, ”he added.

Guatemala’s Attorney General Consuelo Porras appointed Rafael Curruchiche after brutally sacking former anti-corruption prosecutor Juan Francisco Sandoval. After being dismissed from his post on July 23, Sandoval said he encountered many obstacles in his work and was asked not to investigate President Alejandro Giammattei without Porras’ consent.

Finally, the ministry headed by Blinken concluded that “The United States will continue to use the tools at its disposal to promote accountability for attacks on the democratic aspirations of the people of Central America. We will continue to work with government officials who demonstrate dedication to fighting corruption and strengthening democratic governance, including as part of a comprehensive policy to address the root causes of migration. irregular. And we will continue to support the peoples of El Salvador and Guatemala in their efforts to contribute to and benefit from democratic institutions, generate equitable economic opportunities and create the future they want for themselves and their families ”.

Read on:

El Salvador’s Congress dismissed constitutional judges from the Supreme Court
Guatemala: after the dismissal of two prosecutors, the United States questions the “sudden appointment” of the new anti-corruption investigator

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