Francisco denounced that inside the Vatican they “wanted him dead” after his colon surgery – Telam


"Still alive.  Although some wanted me dead", affirmed the pontiff.

“I am still alive. Even if some wanted me dead”, affirmed the pontiff.

Pope Francis denounces that inside the Vatican they “wanted him dead” after colon surgery to which he submitted on July 4, and criticized that certain religious “were preparing the conclave” to choose his successor.

“I’m still alive. Some wanted me dead though.”, denounced the pontiff during a meeting with Jesuits last week in Slovakia, revealed this Tuesday by the magazine of the Company of Jess “La Civilt Cattolica”.

“I’m still alive. Even though some wanted me dead.”

dad Francisco

“There were even meetings between prelates, who thought that the Pope was more serious than what was said. They were preparing the conclave”, criticized Jorge Bergoglio, 84 years old.

The Pope thus evoked the movements within the Roman Curia after the colon operation, he underwent July 4 at Gemelli Hospital in Rome, where he was then hospitalized for 10 days before returning to the Vatican.

Francis argued that some religious already "they were preparing the conclave" choose his successor.

Francis maintained that some religious were already “preparing the conclave” to elect their successor.

The conclave is the meeting of cardinals under 80, known as “electors”, in the Sistine Chapel to elect a pope in the event of resignation or death.

After the operation, during which he removed 33 centimeters of intestine to treat diverticulitis, Francisco began a recovery at his Casa Santa Marta residence which progressed better than expected and was seen in good shape and smiling during his recent four-day tour. Budapest and Slovakia.

“There were even meetings between prelates, who thought that the Pope was more serious than what was said. They were preparing the conclave”

dad Francisco

After the operation, Faced with rumors of a possible resignation, the Pope nevertheless declared that he had “never” thought “of resigning.

The dialogue with the Slovak Jesuits, September 13 in Bratislava, was published this Tuesday by the magazine “La Civilt Cattolica”, to which since the beginning of his pontificate Francis has published his meetings with members of the Society of Jess during trips outside of Italy.


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