Hugo “El Pollo” Carvajal wrote a letter, said he had a lot of information and left a warning for Diosdado Cabello


Former Venezuelan general Hugo Armando Carvajal (EFE / Víctor Lerena)
Former Venezuelan general Hugo Armando Carvajal (EFE / Víctor Lerena)

The former Venezuelan general Hugo Armando Carvajal, known as Carvajal “The Chicken”, published a letter addressed to the inhabitants of his country.

Anybody Head of Military Counterintelligence in the governments of Hugo Chávez and Nicolás Maduro, who finds himself in Spain in the midst of a legal dispute over his extradition to the United States, sent a letter to “three audiences”: to those “convinced” of their guilt, to those “who want me to say everything” and to those who know them.

To the first he said: “Even if you are convinced that I am a narco-terrorist, I still have to have human rights“To ‘those who want me to say everything’, he expressed: My information is valuable if it is channeled correctly. (…) Now I am starting a process of collaboration with the Spanish justice system. Read well, the Spanish “justice”. Not the Spanish government, which broke the laws in order to illegally extradite me to the United States ”.

And to those who know him, he says to them: “I want to tell you that I’m fine and that I will be fine. I am absolutely calm of conscience. I left Venezuela taking the risk that everything that happened to me would happen with the sole intention of being able to collaborate and be useful to my country. I never sought fame, fame or power. Although I had a lot of power and a lot of bad fame, I didn’t look for any of this”.

He also devoted a few paragraphs to God gave the hair, strongman of Chavismo: “You are wrong to call me a traitor. Betrays when commitments are broken. My commitment has always been with the Venezuelan people. (…) It is impossible for the Venezuelan people to forgive your betrayal”.

The timing of Carvajal's arrest
The timing of Carvajal’s arrest

At the beginning of the letter, “El Pollo” describes: “It’s a message addressed to three audiences. I had to proceed in this way because my case, both legally, politically and in the media, already borders on surrealism. There is so much to clarify that the first thing is to distinguish between the different recipients of my messages”.

What I express below I do to express myself, nothing more. When you find yourself in situations like the ones I have been through and am in, you get a very different perspective on the importance of things. For this reason, I say this because it comes out to me, without any other purpose ”.

Of convinced of their guilt, expresses to them: “Even if you are convinced that I am a narco-terrorist, I still have to have human rights. Among them, I have the right to have the necessary guarantees for a defense and the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty. Although I have already lost the second in your opinion, I will not give up the first ”.

He then maintains that “American justice is not perfect. In fact, it works very differently from other developed countries such as Europeans. Mainly because it pursues a purpose different from that of doing justice. His priority is not that, but to exercise his political power”.

They are not the first power of the free“, He says; and says – according to his vision – that”once charged, you are considered guilty until proven guilty “. AND precise : “Around the world upside down”.

In the letter, Carvajal addressed stern warnings to Diosdado Cabello
In the letter, Carvajal addressed stern warnings to Diosdado Cabello

To those who “they want me to say everything», He tells them that their information “is valuable if it is channeled correctly. So I always managed and jealously guarded everything. So far I haven’t used anything and haven’t told anyone, from any agency, from any country, with two exceptions: the International Criminal Court and the United Nations Commission on Human Rights”.

Since my release in Madrid, and during my secrecy, I have sent everything I can to the ICC prosecutor’s office. The information I provided was used to clarify previous complaints“, He explained.

Then, to those who know him, he says he is fine: “You know well that my goal in life since I was a boy has been to serve my country as a soldier.. (…) I left Venezuela assuming the risk that whatever happened to me would happen, with the sole intention of being able to collaborate and be useful to my country ”.

Finally, at God gave the hair he told him: “You betrayed Chávez in life (few of us know that) and of course you did too after his death. Looking to get close to Maduro to see how much power quota has splashed your way. Sad, really ”.

Although I am in prison, I am freer than you. I am free of conscience. I have done everything I can for my country and I will continue to do so, always “, he concluded.

The complete letter:


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