He bought a house and found a hidden doll with a sinister message


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A hombre from Walton, Liverpool, Reino Unido, Compró una casa y decidió inspeccionar una pared bajo las escaleras cuando se encontró con algo realmente inesperado del otro lado: una vieja muñeca de trapo sonriente con una nota que comenzaba: “Querido lector / nuevo dueño of the House: Thanks for freeing me!”.

Jonathan Lewis, 32, continued reading: “My name is Emily. My owners lived in this house in 1961. I didn’t like them so they had to leave; they were just singing and being happy. It was sick. I chose to stab them so I hope you got knives. Hope you sleep well “.

It all started when Lewis received the keys to his new house and started with the coins: “I got the idea that there was a void under the stairs which had been closed by a plasterboard wall, ”he told the Echo of Liverpool.

The clue was a cable coming out from under the base of that wall, where the previous owner had the refrigerator. Curious, Lewis decided to dispel the doubt with a mallet: “Since I didn’t know where the cable that protruded from the wall was connected, I made a hole the size of a fist, and when I looked, there was a doll sitting there. . “

Although, according to what he told the British press, several of his friends told him to put the house up for sale, Lewis relativized the veracity of the message: “The real estate agency told me that the kitchen had four or five years old, the doll was probably put on around that time because the paper doesn’t look that old ”.

The new owner of the house concluded: “I think it’s a joke To be honest, I found it all very funny; i would probably do the same”.

Source: The Nation

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