“Some wanted me dead”: the strong criticisms of Pope Francis against the authorities of the Catholic Church


“I am alive yet some wanted me dead “, was the statement with which Pope Francis referred, in an interview with a group of Jesuits on September 12, to statements about his health after the colon surgery he underwent in July. He also assured that some “were preparing the conclave” and that the Church is “afraid to accompany people with sexual diversity”.

The 84-year-old Argentine pope said the words during a closed-door meeting with Slovak Jesuits on his recent trip to the central European country, according to the transcript published Tuesday by the congregation’s magazine. Catholic civilization.

“I know that there were even meetings between prelates, that they thought the Pope was more serious than people said. They were preparing for the conclave. Patience! Thank god I’m fine “, he counted between smiles in front of the 53 Slovaks who belong to his congregation.

The Pope once again assured that the idea of ​​resigning had never crossed his mind.

Regarding the surgery, Jorge Bergoglio confessed: “The operation was a decision I didn’t want to make: it was a nurse who convinced me. Sometimes nurses understand the situation better than doctors because they are in direct contact with patients. “

He also reiterated what he revealed in a Spanish radio interview To cope, in which he also assured that The thought of quitting never crossed his mind, categorically denying the abdication rumors that circulated in the Italian press.

Francisco underwent the first major surgery on July 4 since he was elected pontiff in 2013, to remove part of the colon during an operation scheduled and performed under general anesthesia, for which he was hospitalized for eleven days in Roman Gemelli hospital.

The Pontiff responded to various topics regarding issues and divisions within the Catholic Church.

After the operation, in which 33 centimeters of intestine was removed to treat diverticulitis, Francisco began a recovery at his Casa Santa Marta residence which progressed better than expected and was seen in good shape and smiling during of his recent four-day tour through Budapest. and Slovakia.

“Freedom scares us”

The Pontiff replied to various subjects concerning the problems and divisions within the Catholic Church, as well as the attacks it usually receives from ultra-conservative sectors for its openness to the phenomena of modern society.

“There is a big Catholic television channel that constantly talks bad things about the Pope without any problem. I may personally deserve these attacks and insults, because I am a sinner, but the Church does not deserve this: it is the work of the devil. I’ve talked to some of them about it, ”he said.

He also pointed out that at that time in the Church there is “the temptation to go back”. “Freedom scares us. In a world so conditioned by dependencies and virtuality, it scares us to be free,” Francisco added.

“We are afraid to accompany people sexual diversity. We are afraid of the crossroads that Paul VI told us about. This is the evil of this moment. Find the way in rigidity and clericalism, which are two perversions, “he added.

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