Carlos Kirchner has been summoned to investigate for the offense of illicit enrichment



The judge Julien Ercolini convened an investigation for the offense of illicit enrichment in Carlos Santiago Kirchner, former president’s first Nestor kirchner, because his heritage grew considerably during the years he was a civil servant in the field of public works during the Kirchnerista government.

Since July 2005, Carlos Kirchner headed the Undersecretariat for the Coordination of Federal Public Works, which reported to the Ministry of Planning, headed by Julio from Vido. And it depended Jose lopez, former secretary of public works and famous thrower of dollar bags in a convent. Carlos Kirchner is indicted – with Cristina Kirchner, among others – in the lawsuit that is being carried out for the delivery of public works to the businessman Lázaro Báez. The investigation into the increase in his assets runs from July 2005 to December 2017, two years after he left office at the end of the Kirchner government.

The prosecutor in the case, Gerardo Pollicita, had requested the investigation of Carlos Kirchner, his wife Cecilia Saade and his son Carlos jorge. He believed that the former civil servant had used his relatives as straw men to legalize money and property that he could not justify. He also called on companies – including one located in Miami, Florida, United States – to carry out the maneuvers discovered during the judicial investigation.

By requesting the investigation, Pollicita had concluded that: to his income, as well as, that he unjustifiably increased both the assets of his wife, Cecilia Catalina Saade, of his son, Carlos Jorge Kirchner, as well as that of of the companies K-Sanc SA and K-Joro Real Estate Investment, SARL ”.

It was determined that Carlos Kirchner – during the period of investigation – bought 13 properties in the country, one abroad, 14 cars, some of them luxury, and a boat. Properties purchased in the country have been appraised by the National Court of Appraisal at US $ 1,855,154 and US $ 1,000,320. The property acquired at Sunny Isles beach in Miami was paid for US $ 625,000 and the boat was valued at US $ 40,000. According to Pollicita’s indictment, the list of cars purchased by Kirchner is as follows: “Porsche Cayenne, Audi A3, Audi A5, Mercedes Benz E350 coupe, Mercedes Benz C63 AMG, Peugeot 4008 Feline, Subaru Forester, Peugeot 308 and Toyota Hilux , two Volkswagen Golf, Volkswagen Saveiro, Renault Torino and Volkswagen Beetle ”. He spent $ 3,525,457.88 on cars.

Pollicita had explained that: “The former official in a personal capacity or through intermediaries carried out foreign exchange transactions for almost a million dollars (US $ 917,461), incorporated corporate contributions in cash for a total of 435,000 $ US and $ 1,167. the sum of $ 2,932,068.80 to his wife and children, were fixed-term millionaires in local currency and US dollars and had hundreds of thousands of pesos and dollars in cash, all disproportionately compared to in terms of income and expenses generated ”.

The prosecutor had stated that: “It should be noted that the increase in the assets of Carlos Santiago Kirchner and the people who intervened Cecilia Catalina SAADE, Carlos Jorge Kirchner, K-Sanc SA and K-Joro Real Estate Investments, is so Importantly, LLC in the period 2005-2017, that what was acquired exceeds more than three times what was received, testifying to an appreciable and unjustified disproportion between income and expenditure of funds ”.

Judge Ercolini considered the prosecutor’s arguments based on the investigation into the property of Kirchner and his family valid and set a date for the investigations. On October 26, 27 and 28, the three defendants will have to testify via Zoom.


They confirm the pursuit of a financier linked to public works

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