Donald Trump sued his niece and the New York Times over the investigation into the source of his fortune


Former US President Donald Trump, in a file photo.  EFE / Al Drago / Swimming pool
Former US President Donald Trump, in a file photo. EFE / Al Drago / Swimming pool

Former US President Donald trump filed a complaint against his niece on Tuesday Marie trump and the New York Times, for his “Insidious conspiracy” to get your tax returns as part of a research on his finances, rewarded by the Pulitzer.

The demand, who estimates the damage at $ 100 million, was filed in Dutchess County, New York.

The complaint claims that the newspaper’s journalists New York Times Susanne Craig, David Barstow and Russ buettner led a “great crusade to obtain Donald J. Trump’s confidential tax records” and accused the accused of being “Motivated by a personal vendetta”, “An insidious plot to obtain confidential and highly sensitive documents […], used as a means of legitimizing their published works ”.

The investigation of New York Times, awarded in 2019 by the Pulitzer, has how the former real estate developer made his fortune. The article assures us that Donald Trump, who has always claimed to be a self-made man, received from his father, over several years, the equivalent of current $ 413 million, which would have been transferred to him through a front company which avoided paying taxes.

Mary Trump and her book cover "Always too much and never enough: how my family created the world's most dangerous man", in which he revealed he was the main source of the newspaper's investigation (Simon & Schuster, left, and Peter Serling / Simon & Schuster via AP)
Mary Trump and the cover of her book “Always Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man”, in which she revealed that she was the primary source of the newspaper’s investigation (Simon & Schuster , left, and Peter Serling / Simon & Schuster via AP)

The This article prompted the opening of an investigation by the New York State tax authorities.

Also, last August, The Minister of Justice also asked the Treasury for the tax returns of the former Republican president of the six years preceding his arrival in power (2017), claimed by a committee of the House of Representatives.

Mary Trump revealed she was the primary source of the newspaper’s investigation in one of her books published in 2020. His father, Donald Trump’s older brother, Fred trump jr, died in 1981 at the age of 42 of a heart attack.

Donald Trump’s trial claims journalists from the New York Times “They relentlessly pursued their niece, Mary L. Trump, and persuaded her to remove the documents from her attorney’s office and turn them over to the Times.”

The complaint considers that Mary Trump violated a confidentiality agreement signed in 2001 after the succession of Donald Trump’s father, Fred Trump Sr.

(With information from AFP)

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