New Pfizer vaccines have arrived and Argentina surpasses 63.4 million doses received – Telam


According to the Public Vaccination Observatory, 53,586,589 doses have been distributed throughout the country as of Tuesday.  Photo: Presidency.

According to the Public Vaccination Observatory, 53,586,589 doses have been distributed throughout the country as of Tuesday. Photo: Presidency.

Argentina has exceeded the 63.4 million vaccines received since the start of the pandemic, to continue the Strategic Vaccination Plan against Covid-19 promoted by the national government throughout the territory, with the arrival of more than 160 000 doses produced by the Pfizer laboratory.

The new batch of vaccine arrived at Ezeiza International Airport at 3:28 p.m. on American Airlines flight AA991 from Miami and with the arrival of these doses Argentina reached 63,410,020 vaccines received., as officially reported.

Meanwhile, it has been reported that during the month of September the country will receive a total of 580,000 doses of vaccine, while in the first two weeks of October the arrival of 1.6 million of doses from this laboratory is expected.

This new shipment from Pfizer arrived this Wednesday, joins the two shipments of 1,536,000 and 1,336,000 doses from the Sinopharm laboratory that arrived last Saturday and Monday, respectively.

According to provincial strategic plans, the vaccines received will be used at the start of immunization schedules favoring 17-year-old adolescents or to supplement immunization schedules with AstraZeneca.

According to the Public Vaccination Observatory, Until the morning of Wednesday, 54,427,759 doses have been distributed throughout the country, while requests total 49,729,347, of which 29,126,476 people have started their regimen and 20,602,871 people have completed their regimen..

Mientras, la vacunacin contra el coronavirus avanzaba en las provincias con aplicaciones de las dosis destinadas a adolescentes y la inscripcin de los menores de edad sin factores de riesgo para sumarse a la campaa, a la vez que las autoridades buscan completar este mes los esquemas de the adults.

The vaccination campaign in the neighborhoods

In Argentina, where until Wednesday 49,729,347 people have been vaccinated (20,602,871 with both doses), inactivated vaccines from different international laboratories are applied in different centers located throughout the country, with mobile vaccination systems and stations located in ports, shopping and cultural centers in different locations.

At Buenos Aires, the provincial government today authorized spontaneous on-demand vaccination for people over 50, health workers, pregnant women and the immunocompromised so that they can receive the second dose without delay and start tomorrow. to apply Pfizer to 17- year-old adolescents without risk factors.

At Crdobe 2,464,905 people received the first dose and 1,860,705 completed the scheme in the province, where since Saturday 17-year-old adolescents without comorbidities have been vaccinated as a team.

At Santa Fe The application of Pfizer vaccines to 17-year-old adolescents has started in an operation that began in Rosario and will continue tomorrow in the city of Santa Fe after the arrival of 19,890 doses.

At Mendoza, the registration for the vaccination against the coronavirus was authorized for adolescents without pathologies, while in Entre Ros, 1,414,786 people received at least one dose of the vaccines and 63.94% of the vaccinated population completed the two-dose schedule.

At Neuqun Authorities have announced that they hope to vaccinate during the remainder of September and October 70% of the population with the full regimen, as coverage now reaches 52% and progress will be made in the regimen for minors between 17 and 18 years old.

Holy Cross account for more than 55% of second doses applied and a total of 339,798 doses were applied in the province, while Chubut began vaccinating adolescents aged 12 to 17 without risk factors with Pfizer in post.

At Land of Fire Vaccination of 17-year-olds without comorbidities will begin on Friday and in Jujuy, on September 16, vaccination of 17-year-old adolescents without risk factors and for a second dose of Moderna to children between 12 and 17 years of age with risk factors has started. .

At Santiago del Estero they continued to vaccinate minors aged 12 to 17 with risk factors across the province; while in the capital and La Banda, the vaccine is administered to young people without conditions at risk.

At San Luis 390,547 people have registered to receive the vaccine, of which 353,664 are over 18 years old and 36,883 minors with underlying diseases and, according to health reports, 626,276, 342,192 from the first phase and 284,084 from the second pane have been applied.

At Catamarque 90% of people are vaccinated, over 18 years with the first dose and up to 40 years, about 80% “, while in Salta, none of the measures adopted so far will be changed, including the use of chinstrap outdoors., due to the presence of cases of the Delta and Mu variants.

At The Pampas, tomorrow the vaccination begins freely for people from 18 years of age who decide to start their vaccination schedule, who can go to the usual health facilities to be vaccinated without prior delay.

Production of messenger RNA vaccines

In turn, the transfer of messenger RNA technology by the World Health Organization (WHO) to Argentina announced Tuesday to allow the development of various vaccines and biotechnology products with this platform that is found in few countries in the world.

Used in the coronavirus vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna, the messenger RNA platform is an innovative technology that, until the pandemic, had not been used in any approved inoculant.

In addition to the United States, this technology is found in China with its own vaccine development – one already in the clinical phase – and in South Africa and Brazil, which have just received the technology from the same agreement between Sinergium and the WHO.


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