Scientists descend into Yemen’s ‘pit of hell’ and unveil a geological mystery


The Well of hell to Yemen it has been defined for centuries by its population as “a prison of demons”, to which no one dared approach or even refer to it. It is a geological formation located in the city of Barthout, province of Al Mahara, in the desert of Yemen.

Seen from the sky, it looks like a huge hole piercing the earth, more than 30 meters in diameter. Local authorities had been encouraged to explore its interior only to half of its true depth. One of the last expeditions had descended 60 meters and returned seeing “strange things,” he said. Bad Babhair, official from the region of geological studies from Yemen, and AFP.

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Curiosity and sickness who generated the Hell Pit in Yemen motivated a team of eight cavers from Oman, neighboring country, in order to unravel the mystery. Caving is the science that studies geological phenomena, including cavities, formations and morphology of terrestrial soils.

The results of the investigation into the “Well of Hell”

During a recent expedition, the Omani cavers They circled the hole and deployed teams with the objective of descending to the maximum depth of the well, and they were successful. As expected from their experience, when they reached the end, they did not find any demons or supernatural phenomena.

Scientists managed to clarify that the well is 112 meters deep, and inside there is a huge cave with all kinds of formations. Dead animals, like birds and snakes, rest there. It’s also a nest for living snakes, although they won’t attack if disturbed by someone, the researchers said.


The Omani caving team was led by Mohamed al Kindi, a young researcher who owns a mining and oil consulting firm that works in the region and had offered to move forward with science to debunk the myths around the Well of hell.

They estimate that the cavity has been around for millions of years. Legends and mysteries have been woven about it over the years in the local community. Yemen is a country currently suffering from a civil war between the official government and the houthi rebels, who have been competing since 2014.


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