The United States, France, Canada and the United Kingdom denounce a “rupture of the democratic order” in Nicaragua


    Nicaraguan exiles in Costa Rica take part in a protest outside the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (Photo: REUTERS)
Nicaraguan exiles in Costa Rica take part in a protest outside the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (Photo: REUTERS)

A total of eight countries, including the United States, France and the United Kingdom, have warned of the situation in Nicaragua, a country in crisis. “Extraordinary situation of deterioration of the rule of law, of the constitutional order and of rupture of its democratic institutions”.

In a joint declaration, also signed by Canada, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador and the Dominican Republic, These nations explained that the situation described above is evidenced by “detention, harassment and arbitrary restrictions” which “significantly” affect political participation and the respect and guarantee of human rights.

In this sense, they rejected “intimidation and threat” against members of the opposition, the press and human rights defenders, as well as “restrictive practices” of political participation. Yes indeed, They called for the “immediate release” and “restitution of political rights of leaders detained without due process, in accordance with international standards, and for the“ immediate end ”of the“ harassment ”of these groups.

Daniel Ortega (photo: EFE)
Daniel Ortega (photo: EFE)

They also called on the Nicaraguan government to guarantee “fully“The” enjoyment of the freedom of expression, Meet, association and the right to political participation“, all those “essential“During the electoral process, to allow free, transparent and fair elections with international observers.

With reference to the elections, these countries reaffirmed that the measures adopted by the Nicaraguan executive “Do not meet the necessary conditions” for the holding of a free and fair electoral process, that “This calls into question the validity and legitimacy of the November elections, as they are currently being held.”

Therefore, they urged the State of Nicaragua to implement legislative and institutional measures in accordance with applicable international standards to achieve free, fair, transparent and credible elections, just as Nicaraguans “deserve”.

View of the facilities of the Supreme Electoral Council (CSE) in Managua (Photo: EFE)
View of the facilities of the Supreme Electoral Council (CSE) in Managua (Photo: EFE)

They refer in particular to the electoral reform approved in May 2021, which “does not meet the demands of the opposition, civil society and the international community when not incorporating guarantees to guarantee the impartiality of the electoral authorities ”.

In this sense too They called on the international community to promote observation of the electoral process in an “impartial” manner to allow the participation of all candidates, political parties and the media. which have been subject to restrictions.

“We urge Nicaragua to engage with the international community and to take advantage of multilateral and regional technical assistance, in order to help restore dialogue and renew confidence in democracy,” concluded.

(With EP information)

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