Kim Jong-un’s regime rejected South Korea’s proposal to proclaim the end of the war “premature”.


North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un
North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un

North Korea rejected Seoul’s proposal to “proclaim the end of the war”. between the two countries and asserted that to do so would be “something premature” because “there is no guarantee” that it “will lead to the withdrawal of the American policy hostile to Pyongyang”.

This is how the North Korean Deputy Foreign Minister, Ri Thae Song, responded to the statements of South Korean President Moon Jae In, who before the UN General Assembly proposed to North Korea to “declare the end of the Korean War”.

This took place between 1950 and 1953, although the war did not end in strict terms since the armistice concluded then was not a peace treaty, but an agreement to obtain the cessation of hostilities between the parties. .

“There is no guarantee that the mere declaration of the end of the war would lead to the withdrawal of hostile policies towards North Korea in the current situation on the peninsula, which is gradually approaching a delicate situation.”Ri warned, reports the official North Korean agency KCNA.

Likewise, he warned that “nothing will change as long as the political circumstances” around Pyongyang “remain unchanged” and “the hostile US policy will not change”, despite the fact that “the end of the war is declared. hundreds of times “.

South Korean President Moon Jae-in
South Korean President Moon Jae-in

On the contrary, he warned that this declaration would involve “disastrous consequences” which could “alter the strategic balance in the region” and put pressure on the two Koreas to engage in an “endless arms race” since the alliance between Washington and Seoul ”. is it getting harder and harder ”.

“What is clear is that as long as the hostile United States policy towards North Korea persists, the greatest obstacle to the end of the war, this cessation will only be nominal even if declared.”, apostilled.

In this regard, Ri criticized Washington’s ballistic missile tests carried out in February and August and the North American country’s recent decision to help build nuclear submarines for Australia, questions Pyongyang “remains. be on the look-out”.

“All these facts show that it is still too early to declare the end of the war”, ruled, to stress that “it must be understood” that declaring the end of the conflict “does not help at all” to stabilize the situation on the peninsula at this time.

According to Ri, this statement could be used “wrongly” as a “smokescreen” to “cover up hostile US policy”.

“We have already clarified our official position that the declaration of cessation of war is not a ‘gift’ and can become a mere piece of paper in an instant (…). The withdrawal of Washington’s hostile and double standards policy is the highest priority to stabilize the situation on the Korean peninsula and ensure peace there ”, settled down.

Tensions have been mounting on the peninsula recently over the testing of missiles by South Korea and the United States, as well as the same protests in Pyongyang. In view of this, Seoul insists on resuming talks in search of stability.

In 2018, relations between Seoul and Pyongyang thawed, with direct talks included, although progress suddenly came to a halt. The United States, under Joe Biden’s tenure, has said it is ready to meet with North Korean officials “anytime, anywhere.”

(With information from Europa Press)


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