Taiwan denounces 24 Chinese regime fighter jets violated its airspace again


Taiwan has denounced that 24 Chinese regime fighter jets have again violated its airspace (PHOTO: EUROPA PRESS)
Taiwan has denounced that 24 Chinese regime fighter jets have again violated its airspace (PHOTO: EUROPA PRESS)

Taiwan said today 24 Chinese fighter jets passed through air defense identification zone (ADIZ) after the island asked to join the Progressive and Comprehensive Agreement for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), which Beijing “categorically” opposes.

According to the Taiwanese Defense portfolio, There were two sorties Thursday in the southwest of the island involving J-16 and J-11 fighters, KJ-500 radar planes, Y-8 reconnaissance planes and H-6K bombers.

The island’s air force issued radio warnings and mobilized units until the Chinese planes left the Taiwanese ADIZ, It is not defined or regulated by any international treaty.

The number of Chinese military planes entering Taiwan’s ADIZ has increased in recent months, according to Taiwan, And the latest foray would come after the island on Wednesday asked to join the CPTPP, one of the world’s largest trade deals, which China also asked to join this month.

The Beijing regime's action is viewed as intimidation by the island (PHOTO: EFE)
The Beijing regime’s action is viewed as intimidation by the island (PHOTO: EFE)

Taiwanese Trade Representative John Deng said Thursday that Taiwan seeks CPTPP before China and that otherwise the island would have difficulty joining.

Besides, Yesterday, Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen asked on social media for Japan’s support to join the CPTPP, which entered into force in December 2018 and encompasses eleven countries, including Mexico, Peru, Chile, Australia and New Zealand.

For its part, China, which claims the sovereignty of Taiwan and considers it a rebel province for the reunification of which it has not ruled out the use of force, On Thursday, he “categorically” opposed the island’s membership in the CPTPP or “any treaty or international body”.

Experts quoted by the Chinese press said today that the signatory countries of the pact must not “provide any type of platform” which “encourages Taiwanese acts of independence”, and that the island’s accession to international pacts under the name of China-Taipei, as happened in 2001 when it joined the World Trade Organization (WTO), must have Beijing’s consent .

According to the Taiwanese Ministry of Defense, there have been two raids involving J-16 and J-11 fighters, KJ-500 radar planes, Y-8 reconnaissance planes and H-6K bombers (PHOTO: EFE)
According to the Taiwanese Ministry of Defense, there have been two raids involving J-16 and J-11 fighters, KJ-500 radar planes, Y-8 reconnaissance planes and H-6K bombers (PHOTO: EFE)

Xiamen University expert Tang Yonghong told the newspaper World time What the Taiwanese demand is “a sham” and that the ruling Taiwanese Progressive Democratic Party seeks “to cling to the United States and Japan to unite against China.”

“Japan could use Taiwan as a bargaining chip with China for its income. Other states of the pact, like Canada, will follow the United States. But Singapore, Vietnam or Brunei, which have close ties with China, will not challenge Beijing, ”he predicted.

For its part, Taiwanese experts today assured the local press that the Taiwanese candidacy arrives “on time” and that the island must also overcome other obstacles to its membership. such as the island’s veto on importing Japanese products from areas affected by the 2011 nuclear disaster.

(With information from EFE)


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