IMF | The Economist called for the resignation of Kristalina Georgieva


british magazine The Economist requested the resignation of the President of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Kristalina Georgieva, in his editorial this week. They link her to the World Bank data-processing scandal, which has become known in recent days when she was one of the executives.

In a note titled “Why the head of the IMF should resign”, the weekly specifies that “the episode does not fit well with its current role at the IMF “, although they recognize that “Mrs. Georgieva deserves sympathy.”

They raise allegations of manipulation in the production of the report ”To do business”. An audit contracted by the World Bank itself revealed that information had been manipulated in favor of China, by methodological pressures, which Georgieva herself allegedly carried out.

“The episode does not fit well with his current role at the IMF”,

“The Fund has its own influential research department and is also the custodian of standards for compiling global macroeconomic statistics.. The IMF chief must have the ability to arbitrate when two of its biggest shareholders, the United States and ChinaThey face a new era of geopolitical rivalry, ”the magazine noted in its weekly editorial.

In another moment of the note, the magazine does not avoid controversy and gets right to the point of the question: “The next time the IMF tries to arbitrate a monetary dispute or help restructure the debt of a country that has borrowed from China, lIMF critics they will surely cite this research (on what Georgieva did), to undermine the credibility of the institution ”.

Georgieva rejects the accusation against him which emerges from the report. He noted that the changes that were made were aimed at improving the work they were doing from the World Bank. In statements to New York Times, said that “neither in this case, nor before nor after, have I pressured the staff to manipulate the data”.

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“I asked them to check once, twice, three times, but never let them change, never manipulate what the data tells us, ”said the Bulgarian.

It didn’t matter to this plant The Economist. He remarked that “Georgieva, an esteemed official of various international institutions, should resign. Once China’s embarrassment was avoided, he thanked a senior investigator for “Do your part for multilateralism”. From now on, it too should bring its grain of sand to multilateralism by falling on its sword. “


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