Argentinian savers monopolize 10% of dollars in circulation in the world


“We Argentines have 200 billion dollars in banknotes, 10% of the dollars in circulation in the world and 20% of those outside the United States,” the professional explained on his Twitter account, and added: “We have an average of $ 4,400 in tickets per capita, compared to $ 3,083 in the US. And they say our problem is that we are running out of dollars!” .

Thus, one in ten dollars in the world is in the hands of savers in our country. The numbers, as powerful as they are thunderous, speak of Argentines’ relationship with the US currency, and their tendency to cherish them as a store of value in the event of adverse economic conditions or devaluations, for example.

The analysis is based on the cross-referencing of Argentina’s trade balance data with information released by the US government, according to which there is $ 2 trillion in circulation.

During his speech, Pesce said the country should generate exports of US $ 90 billion per year to maintain a sustained growth process, while noting that one of the fundamental problems of Argentina’s economy is the ” insufficient income of 40% of Argentine families “and unemployment of 9.6%.

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