Taliban hanged bodies of four suspected kidnappers


One of the bodies carried a sign on its chest that said “kidnappers will be punished this way,” according to the AFP news agency.

The deputy governor of Herat, Mawlawi Shir Ahmad Muhajir, noted that the bodies of the men were displayed in various public places to teach that kidnapping will not be tolerated, a punishment that is part of Islamic law, Sharia, a series of very strict coexistence codes. in society.


“To teach other kidnappers a lesson not to kidnap or harass anyone, we hang them in town squares and make it clear to everyone that anyone who steals or kidnaps or takes action against our people will be punished.” , Ahmad explained. Muhajir on the public punishment inflicted by the Taliban during their second term in power in Afghanistan.

“We are the Islamic Emirate. No one should harm our nation. No one should kidnap, ”he said.


Ahmad Muhajir said police clashed with men at a checkpoint outside the town, after being told that a businessman and his son had been kidnapped in the town earlier this day. morning.

“After a few minutes of clash, one of our mujahedin was injured and the four kidnappers died,” said the representative of the Taliban.

In addition, he assured that there were other kidnappings in the city in which “they failed and the kidnappers were able to make money”.


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