The number of children infected with COVID-19 increased after returning to school in Nuevo León


Manuel de la O Cavazos, health officer in Nuevo León, urged parents to say that if their son or daughter is showing symptoms, it is best not to take them to class.  Back to school (Photo: Cuartoscuro)
Manuel de la O Cavazos, health officer in Nuevo León, urged parents to say that if their son or daughter is showing symptoms, it is best not to take them to class. Back to school (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

COVID-19 continues unabated in Mexico and to show the increase in infections that has been recorded in the number of children who have returned to face-to-face classes in the Mexican state of Nuevo León.

Consuelo Treviño, Under-Secretariat for Disease Prevention and Control, said that a week after the return to face-to-face, 22 cases have already been reported in schools.

On September 16, at the insistence of parents and schools to keep schools open, even if covid infections do occur, the Secretariat of Health of Nuevo León has decided to change its program and not to close the schools.

Manual of O Cavazos, The health official in Nuevo León urged parents to say that if their son or daughter is showing symptoms, it is best not to take them to class.

In the event that a student exhibits symptoms inside a school, the infant should be isolated, taken to a safe place, and parents notified so that they can take a test and stay in touch to see the evolution.

Faced with the suspected case, the students of the class will be sent home for 14 days, if the contagion is ruled out with a test, the students will be able to attend face-to-face lessons the next day.

Official figures from health authorities indicate that on Sunday the entity reported 564 infections and 36 deaths.

Students from Escuela Telesecundaria 51 registered on Monday while attending classes in the city of León (Mexican state of Guanajuato).  EFE / Luis Ramirez
Students from Escuela Telesecundaria 51 registered on Monday while attending classes in the city of León (Mexican state of Guanajuato). EFE / Luis Ramirez

The Ministry of Health (SSa) announced by Daily Technical Report on COVID-19 in Mexico which, Until the cut-off at 5:00 p.m. this Sunday, September 26, in the country, 3,632,800 cumulative cases in total have been confirmed since the start of the pandemic. In addition, the total number of deaths from the coronavirus disease stands at 275,446 deaths.

With these numbers, In the last 24 hours, 3,988 new infections and 147 deaths have been reported by COVID-19. The federal agency also reported that to date there have been 511,357 suspected cases and 6,415,423 negative cases. For its part, the country has 59,825 registered active cases, which began with symptoms of the disease in the last 14 days (September 13-26) and whose data allow the identification of areas where there is more high viral activity and increased transmission of coronavirus.

States with highest number of active cases in the country, until this Sunday, are: Mexico City (12,032); State of Mexico (5,343); Tabasco (4,635); Guanajuato (4,412) and Nuevo León, with 3,174. On the other hand, in the area of States with fewer cases are Zacatecas (360); Chiapas (465); Guerrero (486) and Chihuahua (494).

In the event that a student exhibits symptoms inside a school, the infant should be isolated, taken to a safe place, and parents notified so that they can take a test and stay in touch to see the evolution.  Photo: Karina Hernández / Infobae
In the event that a student exhibits symptoms inside a school, the infant should be isolated, taken to a safe place, and parents notified so that they can take a test and stay in touch to see the evolution. Photo: Karina Hernández / Infobae

According to pandemic demographics, shared daily by the Secretariat, confirmed cases show a higher prevalence in women, at 50.1% and the overall average age is 39 years. In addition, the federal agency clarified that over the past five weeks, most cases are present in the 18-29 age groups, followed by the 30-39 and 40-49 age groups.

Regarding the category of death, Mexico has reached the figure of 275,446 deaths since March 2020. According to the age and sex distribution of confirmed deaths from COVID-19, the federal agency said that the prevalence of deaths from SARS-CoV 2 is 62% in males and the average age of death has been pointed out to be 64 years. In addition to these figures, it was estimated that until 5:00 p.m. this Sunday, there would be 13,340 suspicious deaths from the coronavirus.


Coronavirus in Mexico as of September 26: 3,988 infections and 147 deaths recorded on last day
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